"Emmanuel Macron will not escape the Caledonian trap" : our readers react to the news

quotEmmanuel Macron will not escape the Caledonian trapquot our

Europeans a major issue

Elisabeth Bucher, Osthoffen (Bas-Rhin)

Bravo to Thomas Mahler for his article dedicated to the Russian historian Sergei Medvedev. It should make us think. Are we heading towards a third world war? Are we already in its premises? What should we think of Europe, non-existent, destitute, blocked by the populist remarks of some? The stakes of the European elections are major. Thank you to the entire L’Express team for the quality and objectivity of its publications (Sergei Medvedev: “A military confrontation between the West and Russia will be inevitable“”, L’Express of May 2.)

Let’s not forget agriculture!

Christophe Deleuse, L’Arbresle (Rhône)

The excellent interview with Emmanuel Macron seems to me to shed light (in hollow…) on something unthought of by Macron in economic and cultural matters: agriculture. What was one of the “breasts” of France does not appear there, unless I am mistaken, at any time. It is all the more unfortunate as this is an area where traditions as well as new technologies have a place to play, where know-how abounds, where our country enjoys considerable legitimacy and – even – of an excellent reputation. It is high time that our elites deigned to take a look from Paris at this entire section of activity which holds in its hands part of our common future, both material (production of food, maintenance of the territory, etc.) and immaterial ( influence of “French terroirs”, specific know-how, etc.). It would be a shame if we were no longer able to feed ourselves properly because our agriculture would have been forgotten, somewhere in an office at the Elysée, one day in May 2024. (“Emmanuel Macron: “We are staying the course because our strategy is the right one””L’Express of May 23.)

New Caledonia: let’s take off our blinders

Benoît Sorel, Saint-Jean-de-Daye (Manche)

We can continue to affirm that France is one and indivisible and send armed forces to restore order in New Caledonia. In Mayotte. In Guyana. In Guadeloupe. Or take off our blinders and understand that it is in change that opportunities are born. Evolution is possible. The Kanak people chose revolt, that is to say, movement. The Republic must listen to him and move with him, to move together towards a new humanist objective. (“New Caledonia: the urgency of (re) reading Rocard”L’Express of May 23.)

Macron in the Kanak trap

Franck Lopez, Saint-Martin (Saint-Martin)

Emmanuel Macron does not will not escape the Caledonian trap. The Kanaks are not the French, they have the courage of people who have rebelled and aspired to independence for too long. Others understood this before the President of the Republic, an irresponsible coyote of this Far West far too far from the metropolis who, by persisting, will generate hints of Ouvéa. It will cost him the blood of innocents. (“New Caledonia: this very dear territory of the Republic”, L’Express of May 30.)

Fight against drugs

‌Michel Fricaud, Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)

When it comes to drug trafficking, it seems that the game of cat and mouse is reversed. The mouse is playing with the cat, as if the traffickers took pleasure in defying authority while being sure of their impunity. This is all the more sensitive since the herd of small, minor dealers is protected by law and this herd itself protects the higher echelons. In these conditions, why not follow the example of tobacco and pursue a strict policy oriented towards consumers rather than suppliers? Attacking drug users with their wallets would bring less hardened people facing the police than seasoned sellers. As with tobacco, this method would reduce sales and profits for criminals and save the lives of drug addicts. (“These neighborhoods governed by drug dealers”L’Express of April 4.)
