IT giant Microsoft clarifies the outlines of Russian fake news targeting the Paris Olympics

IT giant Microsoft clarifies the outlines of Russian fake news

issy les moulineaux – The alert comes from the global IT giant: Microsoft. The Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) of this Tech heavyweight is sounding the alarm regarding disinformation campaigns targeting the Paris Olympic Games this summer. Microsoft points to Russia’s responsibility, but Moscow denies it. At the beginning of April, the Élysée said it had “not no doubt that Russia is targeting the organization of the Olympic Games, including in informational terms “.

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In its report, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center reviews the disinformation attacks that have targeted France and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since 2023. Messages aimed at denigrating the work of the IOC, and calling into question the security of the Olympic Games in France, have taken multiple forms in recent months : misleading TV reports (France 24), false articles reproducing the layout of newspapers considered reliable (Le Parisien), false documents supposedly from the French and American intelligence services (CIA and DGSI) and even a trailer for a disaster film that never existed including the voice of actor Tom Cruise was generated by Artificial Intelligence…

Hybrid attacks

Microsoft also found traces of several contents, including digitally produced graffiti, drawing a parallel between the anti-Israeli attacks at the 1972 Munich games and the 2024 Olympics in Paris, against a backdrop of tensions in the Middle East. The graffiti has never been seen on the walls of Paris, according to a French security source. Adding to the confusion, real tags were found on the walls of the capital, warning against the fall of balconies with the symbol of the Olympic rings, which appeared in the Notre-Dame district or near Parc Monceau, recalls the AFP. An operation reminiscent of other actions attributed to Russia: Star of David tag by Moldovansand that of the “red hands” on the Holocaust memorial by individuals from Bulgaria.

Inspire fear

Microsoft says the goal is to “ raise fears of violent acts during the event and dissuade spectators from attending the games “.The Microsoft laboratory has traced two groups of Russian influences, which it has named Storm 1679 and Storm 1099. The latter being associated with a network of mirror sites, known in Europe as DoppleGanger and the Russian network RRN. The IT giant warns: activities intensify as the opening ceremony approaches. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Petrov responds: that these accusations have nothing to do with reality “. Moscow refutes any disinformation campaign targeting the Games and calling it “ pure slander of the MTAC report “. “ Russia has not and does not interfere in France’s internal affairs. Our country has more important priorities “, the Russian embassy in Paris informed AFP.
