The Minister of Justice on the country’s first security zone in Norrköping: “Welcome of course”

Gunnar Strömmer visited Linköping on Tuesday and he is positive that from Wednesday the Hageby district in Norrköping will be classified as a safety zone.

– For us, it was important that safety zones are now in the police’s toolbox.

The police are given different powers

A security zone, also called a visitation zone, means that the police are given different powers in a certain area. It can be anything from searching for weapons, searching vehicles and body searches on people without having to have a concrete suspicion of crime.

The debate surrounding the government’s decision on safety zones has been extensive. Where, among other things, the question that a style of clothing can be reason enough to search a person has been debated.

See and hear more in the clip.

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What do Denmark and Gucci caps have to do with visitation zones? In the video, you get a summary of the new law and the debate around the zones – in 60 seconds. Photo: Storyblocks/Texturelabs/TT
