With Mbappé at Real, this big brand will take its revenge and hit the jackpot

With Mbappe at Real this big brand will take its

Kylian Mbappé has finally signed for Real Madrid and his arrival will allow a brand to make big profits.

Mbappé at Real, but what a surprise! The announcement of the Frenchman’s signing for Spanish club Real Madrid was perhaps the worst kept secret in transfer history. At the end of his contract with Paris, the Frenchman signed freely with the Madrid club, two years after failing to join the Spanish club to extend the adventure with the capital club. Monday June 3, the marriage between the two took place.

The announcement of his arrival did not generate a huge buzz in French news, but on social networks, as is very often the case with this type of news, the statistics are impressive. In a few hours, Mbappé’s post generated 18 million likes on Instagram for 600,000 comments under the player’s post.

Regular followers of the French team striker will have noticed an important detail in this publication, the clothes worn by Kylian Mbappé, synonymous with a very important advertisement which is the business of the German brand Adidas! This is a first since the French star has worn the colors of rival Nike, one of its most important sponsors, since his younger years.


However, upon arriving at the Real Madrid club, winner of the Champions League 15 times, Kylian Mbappé will wear for the first time a tunic flocked with the brand on the strip. A first, but only in his football career because as we see in his publication, the young Kylian Mbappé was already proudly displayed with the Real jacket flocked with the Adidas brand.

This event, and the highly publicized photos of young Mbappé wearing a tracksuit from the brand with the three stripes, is therefore a boon for the group because Adidas has no longer been the undisputed king of brands on jerseys for several years. Latest example, the loss of equipment from Germany which has decided to sign a very lucrative contract with the comma brand Nike until 2034. We are talking about 100 million euros according to the German daily Handelsblatt. Nike may cringe at losing its star, but can still count on the jersey of the French team whose contract runs until 2026. Mbappé will therefore always wear Nike with the Blues and remains equipped with the brand at the commas for his personal clothing and for his shoes. The American brand recently released a new specific model from its Mercurial range, worn by Kylian Mbappé.

However, by recruiting Mbappé, Real will allow Adidas to hit the jackpot with perhaps the biggest sale of jerseys from the equipment manufacturer. The new Real outfit, which will be revealed in a few days, will be eagerly awaited with Mbappé’s first flocking and number.

Adidas is also banking heavily on the next Euro football tournament against its competitors Nike and Puma, but also on the Paris Olympics (July 26-August 11) which will provide it with another important showcase. We still reassure the brand’s loyalists, Adidas is not bankrupt, far from it. The group in Bavaria obtained results above expectations in the first quarter, driven in particular by female demand for shoes, according to Bjørn Gulden, the boss of Adidas.
