The electoral partner has now answered 30,000 of your EU questions.
Here are the most frequently asked questions.
And some weird ones.
Aftonbladet’s AI chatbot helps readers during the EU election by answering everything from how to vote, what the EU is doing, to which Swedish EU candidate drives an electric car.
All information that Valkompisen provides has been collected and processed by Aftonbladet’s journalists.
Now we can also present which questions most people wonder about.
And it is clear that the vast majority want help figuring out what to vote for “Who should I vote for?” or “What should I vote for?” is by far the most common question.
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Elkompisen cannot give suggestions on what people should vote for, but instead refers to Aftonbladet’s Valkompass. What Valkompisen can do, on the other hand, is tell you what parties and candidates stand for on various issues. And in this way help readers navigate before they vote.
Questions about the parties in particular, such as “What do the Moderates think”, “What are the Green Party’s most important issues” and “summarizing SD’s policy” are the second most common questions, followed by questions about how decision-making in the EU actually takes place, such as “How does it work?” EU parliament”.
In addition to parties, candidates and the EU’s functions, Valkompisen has received many questions about Swexit, how public opinion is and what will happen to snus in the EU?
The most popular political topics to ask about are the economy, climate, immigration and agriculture.
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But of all 30,000 questions, not all made it to the top list. Here are some a little more unique…
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Most frequently asked questions to Valkompisen:
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FACT This is Valkompisen
Valkompisen is an AI chatbot created by Aftonbladet for the EU elections 2024. With Valkompisen you can chat and ask questions about the EU and the EU elections. The answers are taken from a database created by Aftonbladet’s journalists and developers.
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