Robert Downey Jr. talks about Iron Man return again

Robert Downey Jr talks about Iron Man return again

Will Robert Downey Jr. return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after his emotional Iron Man death in Avengers 4: Endgame? The star himself recently said that he would have nothing against a superhero comeback. Now a new interview with Downey Jr. has been published, which reveals his Iron Man Returns continue teasing.

Robert Downey Jr. continues to see Iron Man as part of the DNA

Variety has published a long conversation between the actor and his colleague Jodie Foster. It talks about various roles and the two’s shared Hollywood history. At the very end, Foster asks the question that is probably on the minds of most Marvel fans: “Would you consider wearing the Iron Man suit again?”

Downey Jr. responded more than clearly:

It’s just crazy in my DNA. Probably the most similar character I’ve ever played, even though he is much cooler than me. I’m surprisingly open to the idea.

Here you can watch a video ranking of all post-credit scenes in the MCU up to 2021:

From garbage to masterpiece – We rank all Marvel post credit scenes | Ranking

When and how could Robert Downey Jr. return as Iron Man in the MCU?

There are no concrete plans for an Iron Man comeback. Since the multiverse has become a staple of Marvel’s narrative, a return of the superhero would theoretically be possible. Perhaps attempts will be made to bring many of the original Avengers back for the Event film Avengers 6: Secret Wars to get in front of the cameras again. Robert Downey Jr. would at least not think twice about the appearance, if his current statements are anything to go by.

According to current status, Avengers 6: Secret Wars will be released on May 5, 2027 come to the cinema.
