Gulf countries competing to attract ever-increasing numbers of passengers

Gulf countries competing to attract ever increasing numbers of passengers

The World Air Transport Summit in Dubai which began on Sunday June 2 continues this Tuesday. Two years after Doha, in Qatar, the summit takes place in the United Arab Emirates, which confirms the strategic status of the Gulf countries in the air transport sector.

2 mins

The Gulf countries have built hubs – large airports which allow rapid connections – with a regional and global vocation, and in recent years they have engaged in keen competition in the transport sector. air Transport.

Around five billion passengers are expected to be carried around the world this year. Air transport expects to break records in 2024, leaving the Covid-19 crisis a little more in the rearview mirror. And the Gulf States therefore have every interest in defending their share of the pie, believes Didier Bréchemier of the Roland Berguère firm: “ All passengers who will pass through hubs in the Middle East will have to choose between Riyadh, Doha, Dubai or Abu Dhabi. A finite number of passengers will have to be distributed over an increasing number of hubs. »

In this competition, Saudi Arabia would be a little behind, assures the specialist. But for several years, the country has not skimped on investments: “ One airline, two airlines, plane purchases, in order to develop tourism. There are also new cities and ports being built. »

The United Arab Emirates and Qatar in the lead

For the moment, it is Dubai, with the Emirates company, and Qatar, with Qatar Airways, which have the most important hubs. “ These are the two companies which are both very well positioned on passengers and also on cargo, explains Didier Bréchemier. With a small advantage for Emirates, Dubai has now succeeded in developing an economic and tourist environment. »

So there is a frenzy of projects, but will there be room for everyone? Yes, says the specialist, but sufficient economic development will be required in the Gulf region. According to the air specialist, the Gulf “ is a unique region due to its geography. In eight hours of flight, we can reach 80% of the world’s population. »

And air transport is also expected to break revenue records this year, at $996 billion, estimated the International Air Transport Association (Iata). She had so far mentioned 964 billion for 2024, already well above the 838 billion for 2019.

Read alsoSaudi Arabia: Saudia airline orders 105 Airbus planes
