This is how you can tell if someone is drowning

During the weekend, at least three people lost their lives in drowning accidents.
Two men in their 40s in Nacka and a man in their 55s outside Växjö.
– It is especially tricky at the beginning of the season, says Mikael Olausson, secretary general of the Swedish Lifesaving Society.

The super heat at the beginning of summer attracts many people to bathing areas to cool off. But sometimes a dip can have devastating consequences.

Mikael Olausson says there are several warning signs. Early signals can be lone swimmers, adults and children, or people swimming straight out.

It is before the incident. If it occurs, it may be a body that does not move, a head that bobs like a float, a little splash on the sides. Then it goes pretty fast.

Sometimes people talk about drownings happening in silence.

You are so busy staying at the surface, then we talk about the drowning reflex. Then you do everything you can for life and death. The mind shuts down. Screaming and shouting should have been done a long time ago, he says.

This is how you save someone from drowning

If you see someone drowning, call for help, call 112 and get hold of a buoyancy aid to bring the person to the surface.

You should always call for help and wait for more people so you don’t put yourself in danger, says Mikael Olausson.

But it can also be prevented even before you jump into the water.

It’s about swimming skills. Try it before the season for God’s sake. First in a bathhouse, if it works well, you can search for a bathing place where you reach the bottom.

Wants bathing to be safe

He also says that it is important to go through which rules apply before the visit to the swimming pool and who should keep an eye on whom. Also check what equipment is available at the bathing area.

You should also know that the water is colder, so you don’t throw yourself out and set off.

At the same time, he does not want people to avoid bathing – quite the opposite.

Bathing is good if you follow our recommendations, then it doesn’t have to be boring, says Mikael Olausson.

Fact: This is how you bathe safely

• Test your swimming skills.

• Always bathe and swim together with other adults who know how to swim.

• Always swim near and together with small children and non-swimmers.

• Exercise swimming near the beach or jetties.

• Keep in mind that the water is cold at the beginning of the season.

• Cold and flowing water takes more energy than you think.

• Always use a life jacket in connection with boating at sea.

• An early alarm to 112 can be life-saving in the event of a drowning.

• In the event that you need to rescue a person in the water, make sure you always have buoyancy aids with you.

Source: Swedish Lifesaving Society
