Teodorescu Måwe and Wiesner in a duel before the EU elections

The Christian Democrats and the Center Party’s top names for the EU elections met in a duel on TV4 Nyheterna.
During the debate, among other things, the immigration issue was discussed, where opinions differed.
– We do not agree with KD’s solutions to problems. Much of the integration issue is national and local politics, says Emma Wiesner, top candidate for the Center.

The debate heated up when KD’s top name Alice Teodorescu Måwe spoke about values ​​that threaten Europe. Teodorescu Måwe said that our part of the world is distinguished by its view of, among other things, equality, the rule of law and homosexuality, a view that she believes not everyone shares.

– It is clear that when you come to our part of the world, conflicts of values ​​arise, says Teodorescu Måwe.

She believes that the value conflicts are the basis for many of the problems we see in society today in the form of honor violence, segregation, anti-Semitism and criminality.

– The problems we have today are the result of focusing only on the structural and believing that this solves the integration issue, but integration is largely about values, says Teodorescu Måwe.

Wiesner: Not right to put more on the EU

The Center Party’s Emma Wiesner says that she is going to the election to fight all kinds of extremism.

– Not least Islamism, but also anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism, we agree that democracy is challenged but we do not agree with the Christian Democrats’ solutions to the problems, says Wiesner and adds:

– I don’t think it’s right to put more on the EU’s table, says Emma Wiesner.

The Center Party’s opinion is that they want to listen to the research and look at how best to approach extremism.

– The most important thing is to have legally secure, open and transparent processes with clear laws and regulations so that those who go against these values ​​can be prosecuted. Those who act on extremism and Islamism, for example, says Wiesner.
