All spotlight hours in June 2024 with bonuses

There will be spotlight hours in Pokémon GO again in June. We’ll summarize which Pokémon and bonuses will be released.

What kind of event is this? The spotlight hour usually takes place on Tuesdays. It always starts at 6:00 p.m. for 60 minutes in which a certain Pokémon appears in large numbers.

In addition to the respective event Pokémon, there is also a bonus on top with which you can increase XP, stardust or similar.

The bonuses and Pokémon change from week to week. We’ll show you when you’ll find what.

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All Spotlight Hours in June 2024 on Pokémon GO

When do Spotlight Hours run? Every Tuesday, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The following dates are scheduled:

meetingPokémon & BonusesJune 4thMakuhita & Double Catch CandyJune 11thWingull & Double Send CandyJune 18thGravelling & Double Evolution XPJune 25thBubungus & Double Catch Stardust

Spotlight hour on June 4

Which Pokemon? Makuhita is a third generation Fighting Pokémon. It can evolve into Hariyama.

What bonuses? You get double the amount of candy for each monster you catch. Remember: This also applies to raid bosses you catch during the event.

Is the appointment worth it? Neither Makuhita nor his evolution Hariyama play a particularly big role in battles. This applies to the league as well as to battles against raid bosses or arenas. So it’s more for players who are still missing the two or who want to try their luck at a shiny. However, the chance of that is not increased.

Spotlight hour on 11 June

Which Pokemon? Wingull is a third generation Flying-Water Pokémon, just like its evolution Pelipper.

What bonuses? As a bonus, you will receive double the amount of candy for each monster you send to the professor. So make sure you go through your collection during the event and send off anything you no longer need.

Is the appointment worth it? Pelipper is a useful Pokémon for the PvP Battle League, so it may be worth looking for a good specimen with the appropriate stats for the Battle League.

Spotlight hour on 18 June

Which Pokemon? Gravelling is a Rock-type Pokémon from the fifth generation of games. It evolves into Sedimantur and then into Brockoloss.

What bonuses? You get double XP when developing.

Is the appointment worth it? Gravelling and its evolutions are not particularly relevant in the league or in the fight against raid bosses and arenas. But the date can be worth it for your collection, because the evolution of Sedimantur into Brockoloss costs a whole 200 candies. You can get around this by trading a Sedimantur with friends, then the candy costs for the evolution are waived.

But assuming you find a four-star or shiny one, it would be annoying not to be able to evolve it or trade it away. So use the date to collect candy.

Spotlight hour on 25 June

Which Pokemon? Bubungus is a Fairy-Grass Pokémon from Generation 7. It evolves into Lamellux.

What bonuses? You get double stardust when you catch it.

Is the appointment worth it? Yes, because Bubungus is one of the Pokémon that brings more stardust. You get 500 for every catch, and 625 if you have sunny or cloudy weather. But you can double these values ​​again, since the stardust bonus is active.

This is a great opportunity to replenish your stardust supply. And you should always take advantage of it, because you need stardust to level up Pokémon or if you want to teach them new attacks. Bubungus is therefore worth it for that alone. And if you want to know what else is happening this month: Here are all the events in June 2024 in Pokémon GO.
