Commemorations: is memory lost?

Commemorations is memory lost

Faithful to his memorial tradition, Emmanuel Macron saw the big picture, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Landing of allied troops in Normandy. Six stages spread over three days are on the French president’s program, the highlight this Thursday in the presence of several dozen heads of state. Do too many commemorations trivialize the exercise? How to keep the memory alive? How to pass it on to younger generations?

To debate it :

Denis Peschansky, emeritus research director at the CNRS, specialist in the Second World War and memory policies. President of the scientific and orientation council of the Mission of 80th anniversary of the landings, the Liberation of France and the Victory. Historical advisor to the support committee for the pantheonization of Missak Manouchian. Author of numerous works on the Vichy regime, state propaganda, the Resistance in France, but also on memory and memorialization. Co-author with Editions Textuel, with Claire Mouradian and Astrig Atamian: Manouchian

– Stéphane Simonnet, doctor in History, researcher at the University of Caen and former scientific director of the Caen Memorial, specialist in the Landing, researcher at the University of Caen. Author of numerous books. His latest work “ We, the men of the Kieffer commando », published by Tallandier

– Aïssata Seck, director of the Foundation for the Memory of Slaveryassociation for the memory and history of Senegalese riflemen, a foundation which supports research on the trafficking of blacks in France and strives to pass on the memory to fight against racism and discrimination.

Also listenMemory of slavery in Le Havre: “the time of silence is over”
