Fire in multi-family house: “Started smoke diving”


  • Fire in multi-family house: “Started smoke diving”

    A fire has broken out in an apartment in an apartment building in Vällingby.

    The emergency services have just arrived at the scene.

    – We have started smoke diving, says the rescue service’s spokesperson.


  • Police helicopter collided with bird – had to make an emergency landing

    A police helicopter and a bird collided on Monday evening, reports say Upsala new newspaper.

    The helicopter sent out an emergency call and then had to land at Arlanda.

    According to the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority, everything must have gone well.

  • Took fake notes out of a sock – gets fired

    A policeman picked up a sock on the ground – and then discovered that there was a stack of 500 kroner notes in it.

    The policeman chose to keep the notes and later also tried to trade them in a pub in Kungsbacka. It has now led to him being convicted of gross misconduct and being fired from his job, reports say Hallandsposten.

    The police deny any crime and claim that he intended to hand in the money, sixty forged 500 notes, to the lost property department – but that for some reason it didn’t happen.

    According to the newspaper, Varberg’s district court judges that the man “eliminated evidence by throwing away the sock” and that he seriously abused his position as a police officer. Therefore, he is sentenced for gross misconduct and wrongful disposal. The penalty will be a suspended sentence.

  • The call for summer – practice safe sex

    ECDC urges festival-goers to protect their sexual health this summer. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

    The sharp increase in venereal diseases in Europe in recent years is now causing the European infectious disease control agency ECDC to issue an appeal before the summer festival season: practice safe sex.

    It was in March that the ECDC raised the alarm about an alarming increase in sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in Europe. Ahead of this summer’s holiday and festival trips, the health authority now emphasizes the risks of unprotected sexual activity.

    By prioritizing preventive measures, staying informed and having open communication with partners and healthcare professionals, individuals can help curb the spread of STDs, ECDC writes in a press release.

    The importance of condom use for vaginal, anal and oral sex is particularly emphasized. Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections is recommended before having unprotected sex with new partners, as many infections can be asymptomatic.

  • Police almost hit – man on the run

    When the police were to check on two men in an industrial area in Gothenburg, the car suddenly started reversing.

    The police had to step aside while one of the suspected perpetrators fled the scene.

    The car is said to have also collided with several cars on the road.

    He has now been arrested in his absence. The other man has been arrested.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted serious violence against an official.

  • Fire in terraced house – suspected arson

    A VMA has been issued in Åsele, due to heavy smoke from a fire in a terraced house. The fire started at 6pm in the evening.

    – It’s fully on fire at the site, says Maria Engström, alarm and line operator at Jämtland’s rescue service association.

    Everyone in the area is asked to go indoors and close doors, windows and ventilation.

    According to Maria Engström, all people who were in the house have been evacuated. The extent of the damage is still unclear.

    – The effort is ongoing at the moment, and we do not know when they will be ready at the site. But we hope that it will be possible to put it out before it spreads to the surroundings, says Maria Engström.

    Several units from the rescue service and the police are participating in the operation.

    – We are on the scene and assisting the rescue service. At the moment there is no suspicion of crime, says the police pressSee more

  • Police raid at pub: Woman drank from other people’s beer glasses

    The police have been called to a pub in Borås.

    A woman allegedly went around drinking from other people’s beer glasses.

    The woman is said to have then hit a man in the outdoor dining area.

    She has now been arrested on suspicion of assault.

  • Person hit in mining area

    A person has been hit by a car in a mining area in Hedemora, the police say.

    The person has now been taken to hospital, but there is no information on the extent of the injuries.

    The police state that they will hold interviews with the person hit.

  • The health care strike breaks out on Tuesday

    There will be a nursing strike on Tuesday. On Monday afternoon, the mediators state that they see no possibility of presenting an offer.

    The conflict is primarily about the union’s demand for shorter working hours so that the staff can cope.

    “The lock is in the demand for a general shortening of working hours and we cannot meet that demand,” states Jeanette Hedberg, head of negotiations at SKR, in a written comment to TT.

    The strike breaks out at 11 a.m. on Tuesday.

    Read more here.

  • Preschools had to close due to door problems

    Preschool children at several preschools in Umeå were sent home on Monday morning.

    The reason was that doors could not be opened and several of the municipality’s businesses were affected.

    In a press release, the municipality wrote that “the error was caused by the human factor.”

    Later it was announced that the reason for the problem was an update in one of the municipality’s locking systems which caused several card readers to stop working.

  • One to hospital after motorcycle accident

    A car has collided with a motorcycle at a rest area in Varberg municipality near the E6.

    – The motorcycle driver must be taken to hospital by ambulance, says Johan Wallin, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The extent of the injury is still unclear.

    A minor road adjacent to the E6 has been closed.

    – the forecast is that it will open again in about 30 minutes, says Johan Wallin.

  • Wallerstein: “We might start new anonymous accounts”

    Joakim Wallerstein (SD). Photo: Jerker Ivarsson / Aftonbladet

    Monday’s earlier announcement that SD will not start any new anonymous accounts was incorrect, says the party’s head of communications Joakim Wallerstein to GP.

    – We have not changed our stance at all. We usually always evaluate our communication after the election and we will do that this time as well, he tells the newspaper.

    – We will continue to be big on the internet. Whether that means via anonymous accounts or influencers, that remains to be seen.

    L leader Johan Pehrson reacts strongly to Wallerstein’s statement.

    “Tomorrow, SD would end anonymous accounts. This afternoon, perhaps more will be opened after the election. I give nothing for these pledges. The Liberals will come forward with a sharp proposal to ban parties’ fake accounts and end this circus once and for all,” he writes on X.

  • Gunilla Persson: Celebrate the day with AFS
  • Israeli Foreign Ministry: Bomb thrown at the embassy in Romania

    A petrol bomb is said to have been thrown at the Israeli embassy in Romania, according to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to Reuters.

    No one was injured, and there is also no damage to the building.

  • Two dead after floods in Germany

    Severe floods in Germany. Photo: Michael Probst/AP

    After the storm with heavy rain and floods in southern Germany, two people have died.

    A disaster warning has been issued, among other things, in the state of Bavaria, where a 42-year-old firefighter died during the ongoing rescue work, German reports Picture.

    “Our deepest sympathies and thoughts go out to relatives and friends. We are all grieving,” Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder signs X.

    In the same state, a 43-year-old woman has been reported missing. Now writing Picture that she was found dead in a basement.

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  • Now you spoiled Gift at first sight again. Oh my God! The program won’t be broadcast until tonight, so you can probably refrain from writing anything until then.

    You have never spoiled before, now two weeks in a row, why are you doing this?


    Hi Per, sorry if you feel like things are revealed before you’ve seen the latest episode! We always try to give a spoiler warning if we release information that not everyone has yet heard on shows like Married at First Sight.

    But we also write for those who want the latest news, so we can release spoilers sometimes.

  • What does it mean that Trump is impeached? Can he get jail time?


    Hey Fred!

    Yes, he can. The maximum penalty for the crimes he was convicted of is four years in prison, according to the New York Times. But that he will receive a prison sentence is seen as unlikely by several American experts, because he has not been convicted before.

    What sentence he may be announced on July 11.

    You can read more about it here and here.

  • What address is there a fire in Södermalm? Gone and hope it’s not mine!


    Hello! We don’t have the exact address, but there was a fire near Nytorget in any case. Hope everything went well for you!

  • You should probably double check the stated temperatures in the post about the heat wave in Mexico City.


    Hello Eva! I also thought it appeared like very low record temperatures in Mexico City, when we had 38 degrees in Målilla. But this 34.7 degrees actually seems to be the heat record in Mexico City, writes concurring international media. The fact that it doesn’t get warmer seems to be because the city is located in a valley at a very high altitude.

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

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