Ebba Busch opened up for the far right

KD’s party leader is open to cooperating with the parties from the far right in the EU Parliament.
Busch can imagine cooperating with parties from the ID party group on certain issues, including Marine Le Pen’s National Gathering party.
– We will not have a standing collaboration with them for the reason that we are far apart on a lot of fundamental issues. Can we make common cause on certain issues? Yes, but it is the content that is decisive and quite a lot naturally falls away, says Ebba Busch, in an interview with Aftonbladet.

On Sunday, there are elections for the European Parliament and according to opinion polls, the far right seems to be making strong progress in the elections. It opens up a new balance of power in the parliament, where the party group EPP, to which KD and the Moderates belong among others, has previously cooperated a lot with the Social Democratic group.

In an interview with Aftonbladet, Ebba Busch says that she has now opened up to cooperation with parties in the far-right group ID. Earlier, KD’s top name Alice Teodorescu Måwe said that she could imagine cooperation with the party from the ECR party group, which includes the Sweden Democrats.

Busch: No standing collaboration

But Ebba Busch has now opened up for a collaboration even further right out on certain issues.

– We will not have a standing collaboration with them for the reason that we are far apart on a lot of fundamental issues. Can we make common cause on certain issues? Yes, but it is the content that is decisive and quite a lot naturally falls away, says Ebba Busch to Aftonbladet.

There are red lines for KD

At the same time, she believes that there are some red lines for the negotiations with the far-right parties.

– We will not be able to negotiate away support for Ukraine, we will not be able to negotiate away basic support for the European Union, we will not meet pro-Russian or anti-Semitic interests, says Ebba Busch.

That, for example, Le Pen’s National Gathering party is relatively friendly towards Russia, Busch sees as problematic, but points out that there will not be a “standing, established cooperation. Instead, it will be possible to make “a common cause on certain issues”.
