To digest properly, eat foods in this order (not another)

To digest properly eat foods in this order not another

“Real digestive comfort” according to the dietitian (and also weight loss).

Principle popularized by biochemist Jesse Inchauspé in his bestseller Glucose Revolution, the order in which we eat our food can have an impact on health, particularly on the management of blood sugar (and therefore weight) and digestion. “Dietetic practice and scientific literature have confirmed this for a long time, well before the release of this book, notably in studies published in prestigious journals (BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care Or The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism). By eating in a precise order, digestion is easier and more pleasant, we do not have the “afternoon slump”, we have better control of our appetite, we are less prone to cravings and we tend to eat less during the day. It is especially beneficial for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes or obesity“, explains Aurélie Tetzlaff, dietician-nutritionist

Overall, most of us already eat in a physiologically correct order. “Culturally in France, we tend to eat a starter, a main course and a dessert, and this natural and intuitive order is close to the best orderspecifies our expert. In fact, as long as you eat in a balanced and diversified way and you don’t have a chronic illness, there is no need to completely disrupt your natural eating order.“If possible, it is even better to eat foods in the following order:

At the start of the meal: we start with fiber (raw or cooked vegetables) which slow down digestion, stabilize blood sugar levels and avoid big spikes in blood sugar, responsible for weight gain and fatigue after meals. “Fiber will create a sort of “barrier” that slows down the absorption of carbohydrates consumed during the meal.“, explains our interlocutor.

Afterwards : we continue with proteins (meat, fish, eggs, legumes, dairy products) which prolong the feeling of satiety. “Thanks to their satietogenic effect, proteins will also stabilize insulin levels and prevent blood sugar peaks.“.

Lastly : we consume carbohydrates (bread, starchy foods, fruits), in particular simple and refined carbohydrates and sweet products such as desserts to reduce the impact on blood sugar levels while storing energy. “For what ? Because we already have fiber and protein in our stomach, carbohydrate absorption is slower and less likely to cause blood sugar spikes.“, she explains. In this context, it is better to consume the sweet product as a dessert (therefore integrated into a food bowl) rather than isolated in a snack, therefore on an empty stomach. “This does not prevent you from having a snack in the afternoon, but we will make sure to build it in a more reasoned and more protein-rich way.“, advises Aurélie Tetzlaff.

Be careful not to give in to obsession: wanting to eat your food in a specific order at all costs can cause additional anxiety in people prone to eating disorders and make the problems worse. “You have to remember that if you eat a balanced diet but don’t eat in this specific order, you are not putting your health at risk. Let’s say it’s a digestive comfort to do it“, concludes our expert.
