Nurse Johanna’s answer after the results of the regions

Nurse Johannas answer after the results of the regions


Nurse Johanna Nilsson. Photo: Private

Several regions have called a potential healthcare strike “dangerous to society”.

The move has met with harsh criticism, including from specialist nurse Johanna Nilsson.

– It is not dangerous for society that we stand up for our rights and demand better working conditions, she says.

The region of Stockholm, Skåne, Östergötland and Västerbotten considers that the warning care strike is “dangerous to society” and may pose risks to people’s lives and health.

Many have reacted strongly after the outcome of the regions. One of them is specialist nurse Johanna Nilsson, 43, in Lycksele. She believes that it is the employers’ personnel policy that is dangerous.

– It feels like the responsible politicians don’t really have a handle on what it looks like in the businesses, she says.

– It is not dangerous for society that we stand up for our rights and demand better working conditions.

Working conditions are important for patient safety

The regions in question have now prepared a case for the central board, which will decide whether a notice is actually dangerous to society and must be dismissed or not.

Johanna Nilsson, who is also involved in the trade union, believes that the demands for better working conditions go hand in hand with patient safety.

– We in our professions do everything for our patients, I think that is why many still work, because you are passionate about your job. But you also have to think about your health and your own life, and therefore many need to work part-time or resign.


full screen Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/ TT News Agency

“They must listen”

Johanna Nilsson wishes that employers will now start taking their employees seriously.

– We have shouted loudly and for a long time about this. It makes me sad that employers nationally do not take this seriously, says Johanna Nilsson.

– It is us, nurses, midwives, x-ray nurses and biomedical analysts who are the experts in our professions. They must listen to us. We are waging this fight because we want a well-functioning healthcare system.
