Application that can record video with front and rear cameras: BiCam

Application that can record video with front and rear cameras

If you like to shoot videos, we would like to talk about a useful application today. BiCam The iOS application named after it allows users to use the front and rear cameras simultaneously with their phones.

Especially for users who shoot VLOG, this application seems useful. There is no Turkish language support in the free BiCam application. When users start using the application, they encounter a simple interface. BiCam allows users to take photos and videos simultaneously with their front and rear cameras. For low-light shots, users can also turn on the LED light on the back of the iPhone. The screen on the front can be turned white, creating a brighter environment. Users can also zoom using the rear camera. Application It allows zooming up to 30x. Of course, this zoom value is done digitally. This means loss of images.


BiCam targets users who shoot video

It should be noted that the application, which also supports landscape and portrait modes, is exclusive to the iOS platform. If you are a video shooter, you can install BiCam on your iOS phones. If you are looking for such an application on the Android platform, Double Side Camera app you can choose. You can find the link of the application from the rest of the news. We will share different applications with you in the coming days, keep following the LOG.

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