You have just one year left to visit the Center Pompidou before it closes

You have just one year left to visit the Center

A museum to visit, numerous exhibitions to discover, shows and many other activities are organized at the Center Pompidou, this Parisian cultural hotspot. Don’t delay in visiting before it’s too late.

“I would passionately like Paris to have a cultural center […] where the visual arts would coexist with music, cinema, books, audiovisual research“. This is how President George Pompidou imagined this unique place, to make art accessible to all audiences. Inaugurated in 1977 after the death of the president by his successor Valery Giscard d’Estaing, this cultural mecca n Since then, the Georges-Pompidou national center of art and culture (called Center Pompidou or Beaubourg) has offered a multitude of activities for young and old, around modern art. in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, it houses the national museum of modern and contemporary art bringing together more than 120,000 works, making it the richest collection in Europe. If you go there with your family, you will have the opportunity. to discover temporary exhibitions, shows, a library and many other activities for all ages. But you shouldn’t wait too long before organizing a little visit with your tribe.

Indeed, the Pompidou Center has planned major renovation work and should close its doors in the summer of 2025. This means that you have a little more than a year left to enjoy it, especially since the work should last five years, until the very beginning of 2030, specifies the institution on its site. This project, announced in May 2023, has also been postponed in order to maintain its opening for the 2024 Olympic Games.

The structure will then be modernized, fire safety reinforced and major asbestos removal work on the building will be carried out. A necessary renovation which had not been done since its inauguration 47 years ago. Among the new features: the old workshop will be transformed into a resource and research center and a restaurant should be set up on the piazza, with a pretty outdoor terrace.
