Gliese 12 b – the Earth-like planet has been discovered

Astronomers have made a new startling discovery – a planet that resembles Earth.
On Gliese 12 b, it is estimated to be 42 degrees on the surface, which means that there could possibly be water there.
– We only know of a handful of temperate planets similar to Earth, says Nasa scientist Michael McElwain.

IN a scientific article recently presented the discovery of the planet Gliese 12 b, a planet that, according to the authors, is close to Earth in both size and temperature.

The discovery was made by two international research groups of astronomers together with Nasa and the European Space Agency, ESA. The researchers believe that the planet is a good example for being able to increase the understanding of habitability on other planets.

There may be water at Gliese 12 b

Gliese 12 b is slightly smaller than Earth and is about the same size as Venus. The temperature on the surface is believed to be around 42 degrees, some way from Earth’s 15 degrees but at the same time cold enough for the possibility of water to exist on the planet, writes Astronomy.

– Earth is habitable but not Venus as there is no water there. As Gliese 12 b lies halfway between Earth and Venus in temperature, its atmosphere can teach us a lot about the paths planets take towards habitability as they evolve, says PhD student Larissa Palethorpe, in a press release from NASA.

Located 40 light years away

At present, it is not known whether the planet has an atmosphere. The risk is that it has an atmosphere similar to Venus, which is not habitable. But it can also have an atmosphere reminiscent of Earth’s or none at all.

– Gliese 12 b is one of the best representatives for studying whether Earth-sized planets orbiting cold stars can retain their atmosphere, says Larissa Palethorpe.

The planet orbits the red dwarf star Gliese 12, which Nasa says does not appear to be magnetically active, as red dwarf stars tend to be.

“According to the researchers, this increases the probability that a possible atmosphere on the planet would be intact,” Nasa writes.

Regardless of whether Gliese 12 b would be habitable or not, there is a problem for anyone who would like to get there – it is 40 light years away.

– The light we see now is from 1984, that’s how long it has taken to reach us here on Earth, says astrophysicist Thomas Wilson to the BBC.
