neck and neck with Glucksmann, the majority wants to believe that “nothing is decided”

neck and neck with Glucksmann the majority wants to believe

This Saturday, June 1, the majority gathered for a last big national meeting in Aubervilliers around Valérie Hayer, Gabriel Attal, many members of the government including Bruno Le Maire, Stéphane Séjourné, Christophe Béchu but also François Bayrou, the president of the Democratic movement. One week before the election and while the polls still show Jordan Bardella as the clear winner, the slogan was proactive. For its part, the Socialist Party – Public Place wants to avoid leaving the road.

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Like all the speakers at the meeting, Gabriel Attal hammered it out: “ Nothing is decided », like a phrase with magical virtues to mobilize the majority electorate. This is what is at stake in the June 9 elections: how many French people will go to the polls? But in the room where there are empty chairs, the enthusiasm of the activists is measured between resignation and modest hope. “ To be realistic, no, it won’t come back up. The National Rally will still be in the lead, but not as far ahead as the polls say. I hope people will finally understand that 33% in the RN would be a disaster », react several activists at the microphone of Valérie Gas of the political service.

The National Rally (RN), a catastrophe, this is what Gabriel Attal also explains: “ Do those who are proud to be French really want the France sends the first battalion of far-right apparatchiks to the European Parliament? »

The Republicans are also in the sightsbecause we have to seek out all the voices: “ I call on all French people who believe in freedom, in the spirit of entrepreneurship to vote usefully for Valérie Hayer’s list », insists the Prime Minister. Gabriel Attal calls for a “start” and candidate Valérie Hayer tries to mobilize the troops: “ Are we resigned? No ! Stop listening to those who expect us to give up. I need you. We have eight days left to win. »

Raphaël Glucksmann determined

Will the Socialist Party (PS) and its ally Place Publique dance on June 9? In this room in Marseille where Raphaël Glucksmann delivers one of his last campaign speeches, it is time for optimism among Antoine and Marlène, PS activists: “ Raphaël Glucksmann had a great campaign. This is a good candidate for calming. »

There are signs that are unmistakable, they swear in the socialist camp. Anne, Public Place badge on the reverse, is an illustration of this. “ I voted Macron in 2019. Now, I vote Glucksmann », she explains to Aurélien Devernoix. However, the coming week may be a leap into the unknown. Raphaël Glucksmann agrees: “ Obviously, there are controversies on Twitter, but if you speak from your heart, about what you believe in, you don’t take so many risks. We have a dynamic, we just have to amplify it in the last days and give everything. »

So from the platform, he calls for mobilization, but above all not triumphalism. In Raphaël Glucksmann’s entourage, the fear of a last minute mobilization, in particular in favor of the Ecologists and the Rebels, continues to raise fears of a lower score than announced.

Read alsoEuropean elections: the PS list is “totally committed against the far right”
