Horse shot in paddock – “odd case”

Horse shot in paddock – odd case



full screen A horse is shot during the night in its paddock. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

A horse has been shot in a paddock in Mölndal outside Gothenburg during the night.

– It’s an odd case, you can safely say. I have never been involved in this before, says Thomas Fuxborg at the police to Aftonbladet.

The police received an alarm at 02:35 that shots had been fired. At the scene, the police found shell casings in the horse paddock – and shortly afterwards it was established that a horse had been shot.

The horse was alive and taken to an animal hospital. Exactly what type of weapon was fired is unclear.

A report of serious weapons crime and animal cruelty has been drawn up.

– At the moment, we do not have any suspects. We have the sleeves to go on. We’ll see where the investigation leads, says Thomas Fuxborg.
