European elections: the war in Gaza once again enters the campaign

recognition of the State of Palestine divides the political class

The appointment to the polls for the European elections is given in a week. While the bombs continue to fall on Gaza, La France insoumise has chosen to make this war a major issue in the election, the other parties are also unwillingly taken to this ground. This Tuesday, May 28, a member of La France insoumise (LFI) brandished a Palestinian flag in the middle of a question session with the government in the National Assembly.

This May 28, the rebellious deputy Sébastien Delogu takes out a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle, which leads to a suspension of the session. And the tone rises at the exit. Two deputies almost come to blows. Sébastien Delogu finally receives 15 days of exclusion. The heaviest possible sanction against an MP. It is disproportionate according to certain allies of the majority. This is particularly the case of the vice-president of the National Assembly Naïma Moutchou, close toÉdouard Philippe, who made another voice heard and found the verdict a little too harsh even though there was no “act of violence”. During the previous legislature, some recall, Sébastien Nadot (ex-LREM) held up a banner “The France killed in Yemen” and he had only received a point of order.

The Palestinian question fractures

Certainly, the head of the Renaissance list, Valérie Hayer, faithful to the political line ofEmmanuel Macron called for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, while ensuring that the “ conditions were not met today » for the recognition of a Palestinian state. But his number two, Bernard Guetta, took the opposite view of these declarations. During his trip to GermanyEmmanuel Macron whistled the end of recess saying “ totally ready to recognize a Palestinian state ” but ” at a useful time » and not under the influence of emotion.

Gaza, a campaign axis for LFI

For MP Clémence Guetté, “ it’s not us who are making it an electoral issue, it’s a human emergency “. The problem is that by placing the Franco-Palestinian activist Rima Hassan in seventh position on his list and due to the omnipresence of Jean-Luc Mélenchonthe voice of the head of the list Manon Aubry is struggling to emerge.

A strategy which targets, according to the party, young people and working-class neighborhoods, but which eclipses the favorite themes of the head of the list, specialist in tax evasion and social inequalities. A choice which further fractures the Nupes and threatens to definitively bury any alliance on the left. The Nupes boat is still likely to rock from June 10, the day after the election.
