Stockholm Marathon underway

In 26-degree heat, the Kenyan Fredrick Kibii ran to the finish line as the winner of the Stockholm Marathon. The winning time was 2.14.17. The race developed into a duel between Kibii and compatriot Robert Ngeno, but in the last kilometers Kibii pulled away and had a 13-second margin of victory over Ngeno at the finish line at the Stockholm stadium.

23,000 have signed up for the Stockholm Marathon. That’s the most ever, and over half of them are running the race for the first time.

The competition is surrounded by a large security arrangement – not least for the 25-degree heat. Along the 4.2 mile stretch, there are stations handing out supplies.

In total, the organizers expect that 41,000 liters of water, 27,400 liters of sports drink, 38,000 bananas and 9,000 pickles will be used.

Thirsty runners try to get water at the water control on Torsgatan during the Stockholm marathon on Saturday.

Thirsty runners try to get water at the hydration control on Torsgatan during the Stockholm marathon on Saturday.

Photo: TT

Today 12:35

The organizers, in consultation with the police, have introduced a total bag ban at Östermalm’s IP and at the Stadium, where the start and finish take place.

Relatives have also been banned from hanging out at Östermalm’s IP.

– In view of the increased terrorist threat, we have also strengthened with extra security guards where we think there will be a lot of people, says David Fridell, director of operations for the Stockholm Marathon.

Stockholm Marathon

Follow the Stockholm Marathon – one of Europe’s largest marathons. Thousands of runners – elite and exercisers – will cover 42,195 meters through the streets of Stockholm.
