the heads of the lists in meetings all over France for the last weekend of the campaign

the heads of the lists in meetings all over France

One week before the European elections, the heads of the lists occupy the field for the last weekend of the campaign. Voters are preparing to vote in large numbers with 95% of people of voting age already registered on the electoral lists.

12:44 – Marie Toussaint wants to thwart the polls

Oscillating in the polls between 5 and 7% of voting intentions, the head of the Ecologist list has not yet admitted defeat. Although she had in mind the specter of a score below 5% which would not allow her to obtain deputies in the European Parliament, Marie Toussaint wanted to be combative in an interview given to our colleagues from Figaro. “We are determined to thwart the polls,” she announced. Not wanting to give up so close to the vote, Marie Toussaint also indicated that she wanted to “seek the best possible score”. And added: “People choose their vote at the last moment.”

12:25 – “An election is never decided”

Guest of BFMTV, Saturday June 1, the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire estimated that an “election is never decided” in advance. While the presidential party candidate, Valérie Hayer, struggling to rise in the polls, the tenant of Bercy returned to the words of the President of the National Assembly who had affirmed that the government “would not be able to do if nothing happened” in the event that the National Rally would win with a large majority of votes on June 9. “Making this type of comment is recognizing that the election of June 9 has already been decided. For me, an election is never decided until it has passed,” said Bruno Le Maire.

11:37 – Marine Le Pen wants to see Emmanuel Macron “sanctioned” at the polls

Former unsuccessful candidate for the 2022 presidential election facing Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen called in a message on X (formerly Twitter), to “sanction” the President of the Republic at the polls on June 9. The latter in fact points the finger at “the catastrophic management of public finances” after the reduction of France’s debt rating from “AA” to “AA-” by the Standard & Poor’s agency, Friday May 31.

11:28 – Jordan Bardella still in the lead

Eight days before the June 9 election, Jordan Bardella continues to be in the lead, and has been since January, far ahead of his other opponents. Credited with more than 30% of voting intentions, the head of the National Rally list would even obtain 33% of the votes according to the latest polls.
The gap between Valérie Hayer for Renaissance and Raphaël Glucksmann for Socialist Party-Public Square narrows with 15.5% and 14% respectively for both voting intentions.

11:10 – The heads of the lists in meetings throughout France

The heads of the lists throw their last strength into the campaign and occupy the field this weekend. In order to attract those who are still hesitant about their vote on June 9, the main leaders of the lists are campaigning throughout France. While Valérie Hayer for Renaissance will hold a meeting with Prime Minister Gabriel Attal in Aubervilliers, Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place Publique) will be in Marseille on June 1 to defend his program. Manon Aubry and Jean-Luc Mélenchon must go to Marseille, while Éric Zemmour for Reconquête will be in the Drôme this Saturday. Finally, François-Xavier Bellamy for Les Républicains is expected in Bordeaux for a large meeting at the Saint-Augustin municipal hall.

If no meeting is planned this Saturday on the National Rally side, Jordan Bardella will nevertheless occupy the field with a trip to a strawberry farm in Carpentras (Vaucluse).

10:47 – 31% of young people are certain to vote

According to a latest survey carried out by Ipsos and published on Wednesday May 29, only 31% of French people aged between 18 and 29 say they are sure to vote in the European elections on June 9. If Jordan Bardella continues to lead the race in all the polls, the head of the National Rally list is also widely acclaimed by this electorate. In fact, 34% of respondents say they want to give their vote to the far-right list. The list of La France insoumise led by Manon Aubry comes in second place with 14% of voting intentions. As for the Ecologists of Marie Toussaint, they took third place on the podium with 11% of voting intentions. Valérie Hayer only comes in fourth position with 7.5% according to this survey.

10:15 – The lowest rate among 40-54 year olds

While all young people aged between 18 and 24 appear on the electoral lists, the latter being automatically registered on the lists once they reach the age of majority, conversely, the registration rate often decreases with age. Thus, French people in the 40-54 age group have the lowest registration rate at 91%. The latter is often explained by the failure to re-register on the list of their new municipality of residence after a move, for example. Removed from their previous town hall, these voters are therefore not subsequently registered on any electoral list. On the other hand, among those aged 54 and over, the registration rate is increasing.

10:06 – 95% of voters registered on the lists

One week before the European elections on June 9, French voters are preparing to vote in large numbers. According to an INSEE study published Thursday, May 30, 95% of French people of voting age are already registered on the electoral lists, or nearly 49.5 million voters. For comparison, this represents 2.2 million more voters compared to the previous election in 2019.
