end of the mission of a delegation of the Partners Coordination Group in South Kivu

end of the mission of a delegation of the Partners

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Partner Coordination Group’s mission to South Kivu has ended. This mission brought together around twenty technical and financial partners of the DRC including heads of cooperation, representatives of the European Union, the World Bank, the mission of the United Nations organization for stabilization in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), and UN agencies. She spent five days in the province to assess with local authorities the needs following the departure of MONUSCO, between now and June 30.

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With our correspondent in Bukavu, William Basimike

During a press conference at the end of the mission, the president of the Partners Coordination Group, Bruno Lemarquis, identified several challenges during the stay, such as “ the security challenge particularly in the territory of Kalehe, due to the crisis of M23 “, but also “ humanitarian consequences: 22% of the population of South Kivu is displaced and this figure continues to increase with the displaced coming from North Kivu “. He also notes “ challenges in terms of protection of civilians » and underlines the presence of “ many communities at risk in South Kivu “.

The Director of Swiss Cooperation in DRCDenise Lüthi Crisan, recalled the responsibility of the Congolese government in the protection of civilians after the departure of MONUSCO. This aspect appears in the roadmap which now awaits approval from Kinshasa, according to the provincial Minister of Infrastructure in charge of links with MONUSCO, Gaston Cissa Wanumbe. “ This roadmap is around 58 million US dollars », he assures. The needs concern the “ strengthening of security, protection of civilians, promotion of human rights, P-DDRCS [le Programme de désarmement, démobilisation et relèvement communautaire et stabilisation, Ndlr], also road infrastructure. The contribution of the Congolese government is defined at the level of central power “.

The Partners Coordination Group has not specified the exact amount to finance all these needs. But he promised to support the success of the transition, especially since after South Kivu, MONUSCO must begin its withdrawal from North Kivu and Ituri.
