Tenders to be called for new childcare addition at Banbury Heights School

A call for tenders for construction of a $3-million expansion of the childcare center at Banbury Heights School was approved by the Grand Erie District School Board at a meeting on Monday.

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The addition to the Brantford elementary school, located on Banbury Road, will be about 4,300 square feet and include one infant, one toddler and one pre-school room, with play areas for each.

The site plan application for the project has been approved and the building permit application is underway. In early May, the board was given permission from the Ministry of Education to proceed to tender.

The province is providing total funding of just over $2.7 million for the project. The $381,000 funding shortfall will be covered through Grand Erie’s reserve funds.

Rafal Wyszynski, the school board’s superintendent of business and treasurer, said the funding plan should support the project “but if the tender results reveal an additional budget pressure” other options will need to be considered. These include reviewing the project, so it fits within the approved funding or using board reserves to cover the additional cost.

The tender is expected to be awarded in July, with construction to start in August. A grand opening of the childcare addition is planned for September 2025.

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