Two professions where everyone gets a job with a monthly salary of SEK 46,000

1717173575 Two professions where everyone gets a job with a monthly

The fact that there is a recession does not mean that the labor market is completely dead.

Are you keen on a new job now, but less inclined to study? News24 has previously made a list of occupations that only require you to have completed high school, where the demand for personnel is high.

READ MORE: 10 professions where you get a job immediately – and a salary of up to 35,000

Great need for people in the gaming industry

If, on the other hand, you are keen on studying, it can be good to have an overview of how the labor market will look in the future.

An industry that is crying out for people today, and the next ten years is computer games. According to the current report “More ways into the gaming industry” should there be 25,000 new jobs in game development in the coming decade.

DO NOT MISS: The industry that is crying out for people – with 44,900 in monthly salary

The gaming industry is crying out for people. Photo: PexelsEarn 50,000 kroner

Another professional group that needs people are engineers in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, shows a forecast that came in May from The employment agency.

A mechanical engineer creates and improves technical products such as elevators, machines and motors. You often work as a consultant and are taken on by small or large companies for various projects. The average salary is SEK 46,200.

The demand for personnel is also very high for engineers in electrical engineering. Then they work on developing technology for, among other things, self-driving buses, mobile networks or medical equipment. The average salary is SEK 50,600.

In order to become an engineer, studies at a college or university are required, to either a master’s degree in engineering (three years) or a master’s degree in civil engineering (five years).

Source: The employment agency


The profession with a large shortage of staff and 48,000 in monthly salary

Ten short courses – with a monthly salary of at least SEK 44,000
