Madonna urged fans to undress during her concert

Madonna urged fans to undress during her concert

Madonna, 65, has a long career as a pop artist behind him. Since the first album release in 1983, her career has been successful, but also surrounded by some controversy.

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“The whole buffet table of plastic surgery”

Something that has been both praised and criticized is how Madonna explored sexual themes in her music.

Even in recent years, she has been discussed, not least for some recent pictures of the star in which she appears to have undergone a number of cosmetic procedures.

News24 then talked to Svante Norbergco-founder of the beauty clinic VS klinik in Norrköping, who believes that Madonna changed several things in her appearance.

– I think that Madonna has tasted exactly the entire buffet table of plastic surgery over the years. Face lift, neck lift, eye lift, forehead lift and fat transplants are just a few procedures she has certainly carried out. Until about a couple of years ago, most probably thought she succeeded just fine, Svante Norberg told Nyheter24 at the time.

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Still images from a TikTok video that Madonna published in 2022. Image source: Madonna/TikTokMadonna 1986. Image source: TT Bild

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The fans wanted to sue Madonna

In recent times, Madonna’s own fans have also been angry with their idol. Now it’s not just about cosmetic procedures or song lyrics, but fans have been unhappy with her performances.

In January 2024, a group of fans filed a lawsuit against Madonna, which Summary previously reported on. The criticism was then about Madonna being late to several of her gigs in New York.

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Urged fans to undress

While Madonna’s legal staff dealt with the lawsuit from January, several dark clouds appeared in the sky. Now there has been yet another lawsuit against Madonna from her fans, reports say Daily Mail.

The person behind the lawsuit accuses Madonna, Live Nation and other involved parties of multiple crimes. The person writes, among other things, that the organizers “deliberately and misleadingly withheld information from ticket buyers” about what would happen at the concert.

But what actually happened during the gig?

Well, according to this person, there were several things that made the experience bad.

At the concert, Madonnas demanded that the air conditioning be turned off, and during the performance she reportedly told fans that it could take off their clothes if it got too hot. According to the atmosphere, many must have felt unwell and become ill from the heat in the concert venue.

The person also writes that the visitors were forced to see sex scenes on stage, performed by half-naked women.

“Forcing consumers to wait hours in hot, uncomfortable arenas and exposing them to pornography without warning demonstrates Madonna’s callous disrespect for her fans,” the person writes in the lawsuit, according to Summary.

Madonna during a concert in Brazil in May 2024. Photo: Silvia Izquierdo /TT


Madonna urged fans to undress during concert

Madonna’s fans in tears: “You have to stop”
