“Dancing with the Devil” (Netflix): how a guru used Tik Tok to recruit young dancers?

Dancing with the Devil Netflix how a guru used Tik

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    In the new hit series “Dancing with the Devil”, young dancers are recruited by a modern, but dangerous pastor, who (ab)uses Tiktok to mentally manipulate them. Let’s review the underlying psychological mechanisms of this 2.0 sect with the expertise of Amélie Boukhobza, psychologist.

    If the title of this series is chilling, the story of this news item – revealed on Netflix this Wednesday – is just as much. In the documentary “Dancing with the Devil”, young dancers are enlisted by a pastor addicted to social networks. Decryption.

    Robert Shinn presents himself as a “man of God”

    It is the story of two young sisters, Miranda and Melanie Wilking, who dream of becoming professional dancers. In the basement of the family home in Detroit, they train tirelessly, before moving to Los Angeles to try to break through.

    The duo quickly became a hit on social networks, particularly on TikTok. But in 2021, the two sisters suddenly stop appearing together… because Miranda is under the control of a mysterious guru; Robert Shinn.

    Founder of the Shekinah Church, but also of his own artistic agency – called “7M” – this religious fanatic has worked well on his speech. By promising wonders to young dancers – in other words a roof in Los Angeles, but also beautiful cars and juicy contracts – he takes over their careers, their recipes… and even their images on the networks social.

    Quickly, the young dancers succumb to his “sermons” and cut themselves off from their families. Miranda is one of the victims and no longer answers her sister’s calls or those of her parents.

    And for good reason: Robert Shinn – who presents himself as a “man of God” – asks the members of his parish to “die to themselves“, that is to say, to break all contact with their loved ones in order to keep them away from hell.

    I literally feel like my sister is dead. She’s everywhere, but nowhere“, confides Mélanie in Dance with the devil.

    Physically, the young dancer is transformed: from an insolent blonde, she plays the pin-up on Tiktok and publishes dance videos “validated” by the guru (which meet certain very specific criteria: old music, costumes, background). idyllic plans…).

    According to our expert psychologist, Amélie Boukhobzasocial networks are a boon for sectarian groups.

    The platform, Tiktok initially dedicated to entertainment, has also and unfortunately become fertile ground for manipulators and the gurus. It must be said that social networks – and TikTok in particular – offer unprecedented visibility. Short, punchy videos easily capture the attention, especially of young people looking for direction. A charismatic guru can therefore easily create a loyal community in a short time, thanks to seductive messages and promises of answers to existential questions or solutions to personal problems. The principle is the same in life as on the networks, but the targeted number changes!“, she assures.

    On the networks, the guru uses his charisma to seduce as many people as possible. Through well-practiced speeches and a reassuring appearance, he gains their trust.

    The videos are often charged with emotion, touching on sensitive subjects such as loneliness, lack of recognition, the quest for meaning, in short, so many subjects which ultimately speak to almost everyone! Initially, the messages seem harmless and attractive. Then they become more demanding, asking for proof of loyalty and commitment. Followers gradually find a supportive community that understands and supports them and this strengthens attachment to the group and the guru.“, continues the expert. “What’s more, TikTok’s algorithm plays an important role. It promotes the virality of content, and therefore can quickly amplify the audience of the guru’s videos. The more videos are viewed, the more they are recommended, creating a vicious cycle of membership and recruitment.”

    Victims under the influence: what consequences?

    Belonging to a sect (or a sectarian-leaning community) has a profound impact on an individual’s life, both personally and socially. In the series “Dancing with the Devil”, Robert Shinn exploits his influence over young dancers to sexually abuse them.

    Adepts, often vulnerable, find themselves trapped in a system of mental control. They may experience psychological, financial and even sexual pressure. Dependence on the guru and the community makes any attempt to escape difficult. A real danger that must be contained!“, notes Amélie Boukhobza in conclusion.
