Researchers: Jury decision could affect the outcome of the US presidential election | Foreign countries

Researchers Jury decision could affect the outcome of the US

Swinging voters may now get behind Biden. Although their number may not be large, in a tight race they can be decisive.

Doctor of research Oscar Winberg The former president of the John Morton Center of the University of Turku considers the decision of the jury to be extremely significant and historic Donald Trump guilty.

– This is the first time that a former (US) president has been accused of a crime, and this is the first time that he has been convicted of a crime, Winberg said in the morning of .

Trump himself calls the decision a political chase, and so do many other leading figures in the Republican Party. The most loyal supporters agree.

However, there is a group of swing voters that may be surprisingly important. According to Winberg, 5 to 10 percent of Trump’s supporters have said in opinion polls that the ex-president’s sentence will influence their voting decision.

– Let’s remember that the situation in the United States has been quite stable. If tens of thousands of voters change their minds, it can affect the election very strongly.

The US presidential election will be held in November.

Maria Lindén: The competition will be tight

Investigator Maria Lindén The foreign policy institute says that it is impossible to assess the impact of the decision. However, he believes that it is to the advantage of the current president Joe Biden for the campaign.

He refers to the same studies as Winberg and says that more accurate results will only be obtained in future polls.

– Yes, there are people who are affected by this, i.e. mobile voters. The race will probably be very tight, and now the big question is whether the movements are in the right places for Biden. Will people change their minds in the Libra states in the constituencies that are likely to decide this tight race in the end, Lindén wonders.
