Too many parents have forgotten: this bill is due in a few days

Too many parents have forgotten this bill is due in

An important deadline is coming for many parents and we will have to put our hands in our pockets.

Canteen, childcare costs, school outings, fairs, extracurriculars… Parents’ lives are punctuated by constant expenses with always the fear of forgetting something concerning their child. It’s difficult to remember the various financial deadlines all the time, not to mention that you shouldn’t forget the rest on a daily basis. Above all, for new parents, their heads are often turned solely towards their offspring and the assimilation of information sometimes leads to forgetting. However, one should not be forgotten these days since the deadline to take care of it is fast approaching.

After the birth of their child, more and more French people are calling on a childminder. A means of childcare to compensate for the lack of places in crèches. According to the latest figures from the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees), 20% of parents use this method. So, as for a cleaning lady for example, they are the ones who pay the person directly. They are therefore parent employers, with the administrative constraints that this entails. One of these constraints must be resolved in June.

Like any employee, a childminder receives a salary, as well as compensation for paid leave. Except that there is no HR department to manage this part. It’s up to you to do it. And Urssaf is very clear on the period by which this must be resolved.


“As of May 31, we take stock of paid leave with our childminder,” Ufnafaam (National Federation of Associations of Foster Families and Childminders) explains to Linternaute. On this date, parents who use a nanny for 46 weeks in the year or less must calculate the number of paid leave acquired by the professional and, above all, must pay their dues.

In fact, when the childminder takes leave, she is paid. However, if the contract concluded with it is for 46 weeks or less, the money paid every month only corresponds to the salary and does not include a portion for paid leave (unlike a 52-week contract).

Thus, the sum due under the “CP” must be paid according to the following methods: either in full at least in June, or during the main vacation period, or a part during each vacation period. It depends on the contract signed. “Most of the time, everything is paid at once in June,” explains Ufnafaam.

Many parents must, these days, establish the number of days of leave accumulated by their nanny for the care of their child and calculate the amount that this represents, before paying it very soon. Parents sometimes find themselves helpless in the situation because they have not anticipated payment for this leave. However, this represents several hundred euros, regardless of the calculation method chosen. The deadline may come as an unpleasant surprise for some, especially since no aid is paid by the State to pay for paid leave.

It is therefore not uncommon for parents to be unable to pay this amount. From then on, a written arrangement to set up a schedule can be found with the nanny, explains Ufnafaam, which tempers: “this must remain exceptional!” To avoid an unpleasant surprise, the organization recommends that all parents who have signed a contract of 46 weeks or less set aside, every month, 10% of the childminder’s remuneration. This corresponds, overall, to the amount due for paid leave.
