Heavy rain in Scania has caused flooding

Shining sun was replaced by a heavy downpour in Northwest Scania during the afternoon and evening.

– There has been a heavy rainstorm up towards the Bjäre Peninsula which caused flooding in several properties, says Håkan Widersjö, officer on duty.

Units from four stations have been connected to the work to deal with the floods. By 9 p.m. the rain had stopped – but for the rescue service, the work is not over.

– It will last for a number of hours, says Håkan Widersjö.

“Goes straight into our premises”

The rain started to fall around 1pm. Three hours later, the football club Båstads GIF began to suffer major problems.

– It overflows and goes straight into our premises. There is between 30 and 50 centimeters of water indoors, says Anette Eriksson, club manager in Båstad’s GIF.

The association has had both the changing rooms, the flea market hut and the boiler room destroyed. Anette tells us that the nearby Örebäcken flooded – which formed a river that flows straight towards the club’s premises.

– Even though we had pumps and shoveled water away, we couldn’t do anything. We’ve made it four times before, but not this time.

“Trying to save as much as we can”

Anette has just been home and changed into dry clothes when TV4 Nyheterna talks to her at 21.45. But the work will continue throughout the night for her and several of the association’s members.

– We have tried to save as much as we can. We have moved some machines and stacked furniture on top of each other. But for us, the big work begins when the stream stops overflowing.

Now she worries about what the consequences will be.

– Above all, I think about what will happen to our children and young people now with training, matches and so on. Then our buildings are completely destroyed. You can take comfort in the fact that no one was injured.

The rain has also caused major problems in traffic and several roads have been closed. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the storm is expected to have an impact until tomorrow afternoon.

Tip TV4 News

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