Fired teacher Paul receives SEK 800,000 in settlement

It was in May last year that teacher Paul Carlbark reprimanded a student during a break and a fight ensued. The school’s principal at the time thought that Carlbark was provocative and on a film you can see how he strangles the student.

The student was later sentenced to a day’s fine for threatening an official, while the preliminary investigation against Paul was dropped because the police considered it to be an emergency situation.

Despite that, he was dismissed and the municipality made a report to the School Inspectorate.

Now the municipality of Höör has agreed to give him a settlement of SEK 800,000.

– It has been the worst year of my life. That’s why this recognition feels like a significant sum, says Paul Carlbark.

– They probably didn’t feel they had a good case, he continues.

The School Inspectorate’s investigation is still ongoing

The investigation at the School Inspectorate is still ongoing. The outcome can be in three different ways: He can receive a warning, a revoked identification or that nothing is requested at all.

Carlbark first wanted the municipality to send in a mitigation letter to the School Inspectorate, but got the nob.

– The municipality claimed that they had only done their duty, that they had to write to the School Inspectorate. Of course that’s not true, I don’t know why they said that. After all, they have sent hundreds of pages to the School Inspectorate with loads of information about how reprehensible I am in my role and this situation.

– Now the School Inspectorate has started this investigation and then they cannot withdraw the report.

“Can understand that an employer hesitates”

With the report and the investigation hanging over him, Paul Carlbark believes that it is difficult to get a job.

– You can understand an employer who hesitates.

But after the settlement, he can look ahead again and aims to somehow work in the teaching profession again.

– I think that this experience can make me suitable to support teachers who have been exposed. Or help in the debate about whether teachers should dare to intervene against violations, bullying, harassment and that they should not have such consequences as I have had to experience. It is very important that teachers feel that they have support from their employer.
