the most in-demand jobs for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

the most in demand jobs for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Less than two months before the opening of the Olympic Games, the hosting of which will mobilize a lot of labor, the KYU careers observatory carried out an employment barometer and identified several sectors where recruitment needs are estimated at 95,000 jobs. For example, in catering, private security, passenger transport, cleanliness and waste management, entertainment and audiovisual or even the transport of goods. Waypoint.

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The number one problem is security. We need 20,000 agents per day on average, according to the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee. Between 8,000 and 9,000 people are still missing, as Audrey Ferreira, manager at KYU Associés, explains: “ Training agents takes time and deadlines are short. As a result, it is a question of calling on the police to carry out checks, during travel, of QR codes for example. »

Games organizers who also fear a wave of absenteeism among security agents that they will have to manage until the last minute.

Another sector in tension identified: the catering professions, where there is an increase in job offers, but significant recruitment difficulties. We can add the difficulties due to time constraints, difficult working conditions and a low level of remuneration. “ We will be ready for the Games », Says the Paris Île-de-France president of the Union of Hotel Trades and Industries (Umih), Frank Delvau.

During this period, employees are invited to telework as much as possible, so they will be less present in restaurants. Another argument is the tickets to attend the events which were mainly purchased by Ile-de-France residents who will not be going to the hotel. In conclusion, for Franck Delvau, there will not be overactivity during the Olympics.

Sectors where all the lights are green

Cleanliness and waste management is one of the sectors where recruitment is on the rise. Passenger transport also seems assured, as needs have been largely anticipated. SNCF has recruited nearly 5,000 people throughout France, including 1,350 for Île-de-France. The sector will have to continue its efforts with the creation of four metro lines as part of the Grand Paris Express.

So, ready or not for these Games?

Many employees have agreed to postpone their vacations to be at their workstation during this period. Volunteers and retirees will be widely mobilized to make up for the shortfall. And we have just seen that in the allocation of bonuses given to certain professions, garbage collectors are last on the list. Before them, police officers, healthcare and public transport staff will have a special Olympic bonus.

Published every month, this KYU barometer is also interested in heritage. This is a question that arises: will these seasonal jobs be transformed into permanent contracts to continue after the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games?

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