the main proposals of EELV to the Europeans

the main proposals of EELV to the Europeans

Marie Toussaint is the head of the Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts list for the 2024 European elections. Her program defends a greener Europe to fight against climate change, but also social measures.

Marie Toussaint is on the Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) list for the European elections, so it is no surprise that her program names environmental protection as a priority. Placed on the left on the political spectrum, Marie Toussaint’s list also defends social values ​​which go hand in hand with the environmentalist fight according to her and the candidate assures: “Greener, Europe will be fairer. […] Faced with the social and environmental crises, we must strengthen solidarity, by engaging in ecological bifurcation in social justice. It’s time to take care of people and the planet.”

The ecological wave which preceded the 2019 European elections had served EELV during the election: the party came third with more than 13% of the votes, far ahead of the other left-wing forces. But five years later, Marie Toussaint does not benefit from the same enthusiasm, yet the program is still as focused on ecology. The head of the EELV list does not despair and wishes to retain seats in Parliament to continue to carry out its battles and defend the “European Green Deal” which is, according to it, necessary but threatened by the rise of the far right.

What is Marie Toussaint’s program?

Marie Toussaint summarizes her program for Europe in one sentence: “Save the climate and face the social emergency with a European welfare state”. Environmentalists want to rhyme economy with environment and are campaigning for the signing of a “European environmental treaty” which would become the norm, but also for an economic recovery – far from the austerity they denounce – to finance the ecological transition. Still on the economic side, one of EELV’s priorities is the “buy green and European act” which should make it possible to promote green products from Europe. This measure must be accompanied by green protectionism to protect European workers from unfair competition as well as the planet.

Who says ecology, obviously says environment and its share of associated measures. Marie Toussaint sets the objective of achieving 100% renewable energy in Europe by 2040. The party also advocates for the recreation of a primary forest in Europe and respect for a blue pact to protect rivers, lakes and oceans.

The economic and ecological vision of EELV was undermined and strongly criticized during the agricultural crisis which affected France at the start of the year. But to convince on this subject, the party is proposing a whole series of agricultural measures starting with that of a new common agricultural policy (CAP) supposed to be “greener, fairer and provider of jobs”. Environmentalists, however, continue to want to rethink agriculture, in particular by putting an end to practices deemed “destructive” such as the use of pesticides or bottom trawling. They also want to get out of free trade agreements.

Marie Toussaint’s program also includes a social component with the idealistic objective of ensuring on a European scale the provision of essential needs such as water, food and energy, but also acting to guarantee healthy housing. . Policies to ensure and protect employment and invest in health are also proposed. Environmentalists also want to act for inclusion and against discrimination.

Marie Toussaint’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. On hers, Marie Toussaint warns of the crises facing Europe, in particular climate change, and assures that “we must change our model and adapt” to face them. “For Europe, for our lives, ecology” adds the candidate.

Marie Toussaint’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts website.
