How to avoid collapsing when running in the heat: “Increased risk”

How to avoid collapsing when running in the heat Increased

On Saturday 1 June, the annual Stockholm Marathon tradition will take place in the capital. This year is the 45th edition of the now classic race, where a record number of participants is expected, as many as 23,000 people.

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That’s how hot it can get during the Stockholm Marathon 2024

According to SMHI’s forecasts expect temperatures to rise to 26 degrees in Stockholm on Saturday. With that in mind, there are several things you as a runner need to think about both before, during and after the race.

Hans Lindholm is a specialist doctor at Min Doktor. In an interview with News24 he gives several tips to you who might run the race.

– Drink plenty of water before, during and after the race to avoid dehydration. As a runner, you can benefit from sports drinks that provide restorative salts. Plain water is also fine, but feel free to supplement with some salt, for example salty sticks, he says and adds:

– If you don’t drink enough in the heat, the body’s ability to sweat decreases, and thus also decreases the possibility of cooling down. When the body can no longer control its temperature, one suffers from heat stroke.

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Photo: Erik Johansen You have to think about that during the Stockholm Marathon 2024

Lindholm also explains which symptoms you should be aware of to know if you are at risk of suffering from heatstroke, so-called hyperthermia.

At first you may experience fatigue and weakness, you may also get headaches, dizziness and an increasingly rapid pulse. You can also urinate less and get dry and red-flamed skin, he explains.

– You can actually get heat stroke even if it is not direct sunshine, as long as the temperatures are high enough and especially when there is high humidity.

He also explains that you, who may be going out on Stockholm’s streets as a spectator, should also think about several important factors. On the one hand, it is an advantage to find shady places to stand while wearing a sun hat or an umbrella. Of course, it’s also important to drink water to stay hydrated.

– Large and dense crowds mean an increased risk of heat stroke. It is therefore important that both
runners and spectators have access to water and shade and to locate where in advance
healthcare personnel are there to be able to get help quickly, he says.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT 21-year-old man died after the Gothenburg shipyard

In mid-May, thousands of people ran the Gothenburg Lap. SVT News then reported, among other things, that several collapsed due to the sun and high temperatures which resulted in precisely heat stroke.

Something that drew a lot of attention afterwards was the fact that over 20 people were forced to hospital after running the race. In addition, a 21-year-old man died after being treated in hospital for several days.

READ MORE: 21-year-old man dead – collapsed after the Gothenburg shipyard

The doctor: That’s why you should be active after a marathon

During the Gothenburg lap, it was also seen how runners were looked after by officials at the finish line. The reason then was that they would not stop moving, but instead try to keep their bodies active even after they ran the race.

For Nyheter24, specialist doctor Hans Lindholm explains why it is so important not to stop moving after running a marathon.

– After running a marathon, it is wise not to stop straight away when you reach the finish line, but instead to slow down the movement pattern by jogging or walking a bit. And this is to avoid sudden pooling of blood in the legs which can lead to fainting. After finishing, it is also important to drink and eat something energizing and salty, for example a banana.

Accumulation of blood is something that can be acute as it can cause bleeding.

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