This new reason why young people resign: it also pushes bosses to change

This new reason why young people resign it also pushes

One in five young people have already resigned for this particular reason…

In recent years, the job market no longer resembles, or almost, the one our parents and grandparents experienced. For some, it would even experience a real revolution. Between changes in professions, new working methods, the boom in professional training… The job market is facing new challenges, particularly with young workers. If you broach the subject with one of your parents, you will undoubtedly hear that young people are now much more demanding than previous generations. They indeed have certain expectations and values ​​and do not hesitate to defend them, whether during their recruitment, or even once integrated into their company.

For example, for the vast majority of young workers, salary is the first criterion taken into account before accepting a job. And today, more and more candidates are looking for meaning and commitment at work. A reality which is confirmed in the latest “Gen Z and Millennial Survey” from the consulting firm Deloitte, conducted among 23,000 people in 44 countries. Among the new expectations of Generation Z and millennials, aged between 25 and 35, there is one in particular which is gaining ground and which has already pushed 1 in 5 young people to change jobs.

These are the environmental policies of companies. According to the Deloitte report, 70% of those surveyed believe that companies must commit to taking action against climate change. Furthermore, 25% of them find out about the company’s environmental charter before even sending their application. For ecological reasons therefore, but also to avoid ethical conflicts, these young people, nicknamed “ecotafeurs” by the sociologist Gaëtan Brisepierre, easily consider leaving their job to find another one, which aligns with their values. To go further, some also encourage their bosses to make efforts and take ecological measures. A trend that has been taking shape since 2022 now, and which is not ready to stop…
