voters scrutinize the counting operations

voters scrutinize the counting operations

In Madagascar, the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni) has been publishing results in trickles since Wednesday evening and the first trends show participation between 22 and 50%, depending on the districts. No national trend is currently known. On May 29, the opposition denounced fraud. The Safidy civil society observatory has also pointed out irregularities. At the time of the counting, it was a time of vigilance for voters who came in their hundreds to witness the counting operations. Illustration in an office in the 1st arrondissement of the capital.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Pauline Le Troquier

As the votes cast for their champion were counted, the voters burst into joy. In this school, around 400 residents came to watch the counting. “ Here, we are in the slums. We whistle, we shout, we protest », laughs Ronald, a resident of the Andavamamba district. But he warns: if the atmosphere is good-natured, he is far from coming as a simple spectator. He watches over operations with a very vigilant eye. “ I don’t have confidence because in Madagascar the elections are like this and thathe says. Attending the counting, for me, is a way of seeing fraud and monitoring how it happens “.

Coming to watch the counting is their favorite moment »

A mission that this voter is not the only one to take to heart. In this room, tempers suddenly heat up: the question is the validity or otherwise of a poorly marked ballot. A caution heard by this president of the polling station: “ It’s good that people remain vigilant because they have their rights and that really helps us in our mission. There, we collaborate. It’s their favorite time to come and watch the counting. »

Vigilance will not have spoiled the electoral atmosphere in this polling station. But beyond the capital, the opposition platform Firaisankina, through the voice of its spokesperson, former president Marc Ravalomanana, denounced yesterday a shower of irregularities: single pre-checked ballots and trials- verbal documents signed even before the time of counting.

Madagascar held legislative elections on Wednesday to elect 163 deputies. President Andry Rajoelina, whose re-election in November to a second term was contested by the opposition, is counting on a large majority.

Read alsoLegislative elections in Madagascar: the vote marked by tensions, the opposition cries fraud
