The police empty the Palestinian tent camp in Lund

The police have launched an operation to empty the tent camp in central Lund.
For just over two weeks, around a hundred protesters have camped in the area in support of Palestine.
A so-called PL-24 area has been established by the police and the protesters are asked to leave the place and take their belongings with them.

During Thursday morning, several police officers rolled into Lundagård in central Lund. The demonstrators were asked to leave the area, and according to TV4 Nyheternas reporter Mikael Nilsson, who is on the spot, both riot-equipped police and dogs participate in the operation.

– They intend to remove the protesters from the site and remove the tents. The message has already arrived that the tent camp is to be cleared, this because of the unauthorized demonstration, says Mikael Nilsson.

Get 20 minutes to leave

A doctoral dissertation is to be held in Lundagård tomorrow and the police have already announced that the place must be emptied before it can be carried out. The police announced during the morning that they had established a so-called PL-24 area, where the public is prohibited from being.

“Those who are at the scene have been ordered by an orderly order to leave the scene and take their belongings with them. The reason is that the place is occupied on Friday for a licensed public event,” the police write on their website.

– The demonstrators have been given a deadline of a total of 20 minutes before they are to be removed from the scene, it is a major police effort, says Mikael Nilsson.

The demonstrators: “We are under attack”

On social media, the students write that the tent camp, which is called Palestine Farm, is under attack.

“Everyone must come to Palestine farm now. Bring cameras and as many people as you can,” the protesters write.

During yesterday, a press conference was held in the camp where the protesters called on universities to “participate in a meaningful dialogue and take our demands seriously”. The students have previously demanded that the university, among other things, end collaborations with Israeli universities.
