Swedes continue to choose the car

Swedes continue to choose the car

The pandemic meant a major change for pretty much the entire society. One of the areas that was clearly affected was our travel habits, and that change still leaves its mark today.

New figures from the authority Traffic analysis shows that 3.7 billion trips were made in Sweden in 2023, which is comparable to 2022.

If compared to 2019, the year before the pandemic, it is, however, a loss of a whopping 12 percent.

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The car the most popular means of transport

By far the most common means of transport in Sweden is still the car with 2,012 million trips in 2023, which corresponds to a loss of one percent from 2022.

This is more than the combined number of trips by foot, bicycle and public transport during the year, which totaled 1,647 million trips.

This may seem strange at a time when the environment is increasingly in focus and the cost of living is high.

Compared to 2019, there were around eight percent fewer car journeys in Sweden in 2023. The number of car journeys has remained at a relatively steady level since the outbreak of the pandemic.

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Collectively has not recovered

If the fact that car driving is still so widespread in Sweden may seem strange, the same number of trips that were made by public transport in 2023 applies.

Compared to 2022, the number of trips increased by 17 percent to 672 million trips, but compared to 2019, this is still a drop of 15 percent.

The number of trips on foot and by bicycle fell by three and nine percent respectively from 2022 to 2023, and compared to 2019 the drop is 12 and 21 percent respectively.

In total, Swedes therefore travel less as a whole than they did before the pandemic.

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