How to take care of your tomato plants this summer – simple tricks

How to take care of your tomato plants this summer

Now summer and the heat are here and many have planted their tomato plants on the balconies and in the gardens.

Tomato plants are considered a relatively simple plant, which largely takes care of itself. But there are some tricks that make them feel extra good.

News24 have previously written about why you should shake your tomato plants, and what effect it has.

READ MORE: That’s why you should shake your tomato plants

Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT This is how you take care of your tomato plants

Many people know that tomato plants thrive in sunlight, but a common question can be how long they want to stay in the sun and whether it can be too much sunlight for the tomato plants.

Nyheter24 has spoken to the plant expert Hans Jensen which clears up the most common questions about tomato plants and gives simple tricks for how to make your tomato plant thrive.

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The ideal temperature for tomato plants

Tomatoes thrive best when the air is warmer.

– The ideal temperature for tomato plants is between 20 degrees and 25 degrees. Extreme temperatures can negatively affect the plant’s health and production, explains Hans Jensen.

This is how often you should water your tomato plant

Tomato plants need regular watering and fertilizer to thrive.

– Regular watering is important, especially during dry periods. It is best to water the plant at the root to avoid leaf fungus. A balanced fertilization helps with growth and fruiting. Fertilizer specific to tomatoes is recommended.

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That’s how much sunlight your tomato plant needs

The tomato plant can actually get too much sun, if, for example, it stands against a window indoors and gets grilled by the heat, then it can become droopy. But otherwise it thrives in sunlight.

– Tomatoes need a lot of sun to develop fruit. Place the plant in a place where it receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day, says Hans Jensen to Nyheter24.

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