Cyclist injured in traffic accident in Stockholm


  • Cyclist injured in traffic accident in Stockholm

    A cyclist and a car collided today in Nockebyhov in Stockholm.

    The cyclist was taken by ambulance to hospital with serious injuries.

    The person was initially awake and able to speak, according to the police.

    “A notification for not having observed the right of way will be written”, they write on their website.


  • Lars Beckman’s pool company in bankruptcy

    Lars Beckman. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    The moderate Member of Parliament and Twitter profile Lars Beckman’s pool company has gone bankrupt.

    It reports Gefle Daily.

    The company Nordiska Kvalitetspooler was established in 2007, but in recent years business has not gone so well.

    On Tuesday, the Gävle district court received an application for bankruptcy that Lars Beckman himself had submitted. It showed that the company can no longer pay its debts.

    On the same day, the company was declared bankrupt.

    Gefle Dagblad has been in contact with Lars Beckman, who does not want to comment on the bankruptcy. Instead, he referred to his bankruptcy trustee.

  • 17 cows ran into the sea

    17 cows are on the run and have run into the sea at Bergkvara, south of Kalmar.

    It writes The barometer.

    – The Sjörädningsällskapet is helping the farmer right now with getting the cows home to their right livestock. According to the information we received, some of them should be about 1,000 meters out in the water, Anders Palmgren from the rescue service told the newspaper.

    By the 9 p.m. they had managed to bring 13 cows up to a cow near their pasture.

    No cow should have been injured in the incident, writes the Barometer.

  • Man seriously injured after assault

    A man is being treated in hospital, seriously injured, after a serious assault in Gamlestaden in Gothenburg.

    The police were alerted to the incident at 3pm and were able to arrest a suspected perpetrator.

    They have also held witness interviews and knocked on doors.

    The police say they will investigate whether the man’s serious injuries are a result of the assault or if there are other explanations.

  • Man shot by police in Malmö

    Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    A man has been shot by police in connection with a burglary at Rosengård in Malmö.

    Police were called to the address at 7 p.m. The burglar then remained at the scene.

    “He makes a lunge with a gesture and in connection with this the police open fire”. writes the police on their website.

    The man was taken to hospital by ambulance. Region Skåne writes on its website that a man in his 40s is being treated for minor injuries.

    The police have cordoned off the scene for a technical investigation. The incident will be investigated by special investigations, which is routine when police officers need to be investigated in their job.

  • Broad stock market decline – Saab fell heavily

    The Stockholm Stock Exchange continues downward. Stock photography Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

    The Stockholm Stock Exchange continues to lose ground on a broad front in a global flurry of interest rate shocks and closed at minus 1.5 percent on Wednesday.

    Among the losers was Saab, whose stock fell after the government halted deliveries of fighter jets to Ukraine.

    The OMXS index started down and it continued throughout the day. Higher market interest rates reduce risk appetite and the development is in line with leading European stock exchanges.

    It also points clearly downward after opening on Wall Street in New York.

    Among the most traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, property company SBB fell 5.7 percent and appliance manufacturer Electrolux 4.3 percent. But the decline was broad with only 2 of 30 OMXS30 stocks in the red.

    The defense group Saab, which recently broke a historic record in market capitalization, fell 4.8 percent after the Swedish government’s announcement about Show more

  • Body found in the water in Stockholm

    A helicopter and several boats participate in the operation. Photo: Aftonbladet

    An operation is currently underway at Norr Mälarstrand on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

    – A body has been found in the water there. We are currently on site to check the circumstances surrounding this, says Nadya Norton, press spokesperson at the police in the Stockholm region.

    Several boats and a helicopter participate in the operation.

    The alarm was received by the police at 19.12.

  • Cyclist hit by car

    A cyclist was hit by a car on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm late on Wednesday afternoon.

    The cyclist had to be taken by ambulance to hospital, and the police have not released any information about the state of the injury.

  • Boy taken to hospital after fight

    At around 5:30 p.m., the police were alerted to a fight in the Luthagen area of ​​Uppsala.

    Two boys in their early teens were found at the scene.

    One of them was injured and has been taken to hospital. The police have no information on whether the other boy was also injured.

    The police are now working to investigate what happened. A helicopter circles the area.

    – No firearm has been used, and our assessment is that there is no danger to the public, says police spokesperson Pelle Vamstad.

  • Person dead – fell into aircraft engine

    One person has died after falling into an aircraft engine at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.

    “Today a terrible incident occurred,” writes the airport on X.

    The plane was a KLM plane that was on its way to Denmark, writes Dutch De Telegraaf.

    The plane must have just been about to take off, and thus the engines were running. There must have been many witnesses to the incident.

    The circumstances surrounding the accident are currently unclear.

  • Two women arrested after serious rape in Rissne

    Two women were detained during the afternoon on probable cause on suspicion of aggravated rape. The prosecutor confirms this for Aftonbladet.

    It is about a 25-year-old woman and a 19-year-old woman.

    The women were arrested together with five other men after a gang rape in Rissne in northwest Stockholm on Sunday. The men were released but are still suspects in the case.

    – They are suspects, but the evidence is weaker in relation to the women, says prosecutor Anders Hirsch.

    He says that the picture of what happened has become clear.

    – Now the district court has shared my assessment that there are probable reasons for this act. Then the investigation can further show what has happened, says Anders Hirsch.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, several of the suspects are linked to the Rissne network. JustShow more

  • Central in SD’s “troll factories” resigns

    A man who has been singled out for a central role in SD’s “troll factories” has praised Putin on social media for several years, Expressen reveals.

    Last night, the Sweden Democrats took him out of office. Now Expressen writes that the man has resigned.

    – He has resigned and no longer works with us, says Oskar Cavalli-Björkman, press director at SD to the newspaper.

    Expressen has previously written that the man has for several years praised Putin, spread a pro-Russian agenda and blamed the war on Ukraine.

    read more here

  • Details: Northvolt postpones IPO

    Northvolt’s facility outside Västerås. Archive image. Photo: Ali Lorestani/TT

    Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt is waiting for an IPO until next year, according to information provided to the Bloomberg news agency. Already in 2022, the then chairman of the company, Carl-Erik Lagercrantz, stated that a stock market listing was relevant within two years, even the Financial Times has reported that this should be relevant in 2024.

    However, the sharp interest rate increases of recent years have made the situation increasingly challenging for companies that wanted to take the step to carry out an IPO.

  • Fire in terraced house in Örebro

    There is a big fire in the middle of a row of terraced houses in Almby in Örebro.

    – There is quite a lot of fire and we are there with a few units and subordinate to the rescue leader at the scene, says Anders Dahlman, press spokesperson for the police in the Bergslagen region.

    According to the police, it is about open flames shooting up from the roof.

    It is currently unclear if anyone is still in the building.

    – A few people are out, but it’s okay if it’s all of them, says Anders Dahlman.

  • A truck has rammed a bus shelter in Gothenburg

    A truck has driven into a bus shelter on Masthuggstorget in Gothenburg, the police write on their website.

    A woman in her 40s was hit by shards of glass in the neck when the truck backed into the clearing where she was standing. She has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    A report on traffic offenses and causing bodily harm is drawn up.

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  • What address is there a fire in Södermalm? Gone and hope it’s not mine!


    Hello! We don’t have the exact address, but there was a fire near Nytorget in any case. Hope everything went well for you!

  • You should probably double check the stated temperatures in the post about the heat wave in Mexico City.


    Hello Eva! I also thought it appeared like very low record temperatures in Mexico City, when we had 38 degrees in Målilla. But this 34.7 degrees actually seems to be the heat record in Mexico City, writes concurring international media. The fact that it doesn’t get warmer seems to be because the city is located in a valley at a very high altitude.

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

  • Why did 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with sirens and blue lights just pass by in Vasastaden?


    Hello! There has been an accident at the subway at Odenplan.

  • Have you published anything regarding the authority for psychological defense reporting tv4’s cold facts for the report on SD’s alleged troll factory?


    Hi Alex, we have written about this.

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