Erdogan attacks the West and the Islamic world

Erdogan attacks the West and the Islamic world

“The spirit of the United Nations is dead in Gaza. » These are the words, this Wednesday, of the Turkish president, who let his anger explode after the Israeli strikes on camps for Palestinian displaced persons in Rafah, in the south of the enclave. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was very critical of the West, but also of Muslim countries, which he called to “react”.

1 min

With our correspondent in Istanbul, Anne Andlauer

In his speech, one of the harshest he has given since the start of the war in Gaza, Recep Tayyip Erdogan listed those he considers responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Israel of course, and its Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, described as “ bloodthirsty vampire “.

O America, this blood is also on your hands! You are at least as responsible as Israel for this genocide! O European heads of state and government! You are also complicit in the genocide committed by Israel, because you remain silent! O United Nations! If you don’t stop a genocide that all of humanity is watching live on television, what are you for? Along with humanity, the spirit of the United Nations died in Gaza. I also have two words to say to the Islamic world: what are you waiting for to make a common decision? What more do you need to react?

Turkey criticizes in particular the fact that more States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have not joined the complaint for genocide against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Read alsoNew night of horror in Rafah where Israeli tanks entered the center of the city
