Here is the ideal breakfast when you are diabetic, according to our dietician-nutritionist

Here is the ideal breakfast when you are diabetic according

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    in collaboration with

    Alexandra Murcier (Liberal dietician-nutritionist)

    Like several million French people, do you have diabetes? It is essential to opt for a balanced diet every day. And that right from breakfast! So how do you ideally compose this first meal of the day? Here are the answers from our dietitian nutritionist, Alexandra Murcier.

    When you have diabetes, breakfast can be the hardest to balance. Pastries, cakes or jam: it is easy to be tempted by sweet products, which will further unbalance blood sugar levels. How to compose this first meal of the day, in this case? Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist, gives us her advice.

    Absolutely avoid sugary products

    The first advice from our expert concerns sweet products. “When you suffer from diabetes – but also in general – it is imperative to avoid sugary products which will create an increase in blood sugar which will be felt throughout the day..

    The dietician-nutritionist therefore recommends eliminating fruit juices, jams, spreads, pastries and cereals from your breakfast.

    To balance your breakfast, the expert recommends choosing foods from each of the nutritional categories.

    • For the carbohydrate source, “we will favor complete carbohydrates, such as wholemeal bread or buckwheat bread whose glycemic indexes are low”;
    • You can make toast with avocado, which provides fiber, good for transit and satiety.” adds Alexandra Murcier;
    • For the protein source, our specialist recommends “turkey breast, for example, which will be a source of protein not too rich in saturated fatty acids to protect the cardiovascular system.

    What are the preferred drinks?

    As for drinks, if fruit juices should be banned, fresh fruit is recommended by Alexandra Murcier. “You really need to eat a fruit, and not a compote which will have a higher glycemic index.” she warns.

    As for the hot drink, the dietician directs her choice towards green tea, with antioxidant properties. On the other hand, it is better to avoid coffee, especially on an empty stomach. “You should not drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach because it increases the level of cortisol, a hyperglycemic hormone, which will increase blood sugar levels.” she concludes.
