1/6 – Mobile phone-free day

16 – Mobile phone free day

Why is Mobile Free Day celebrated?

Mobile-free day is a themed day that is celebrated annually on June 1. The aim is to draw attention to the negative effects of excessive mobile use and encourage people to take a break from their mobiles during the day.

The initiative was taken by the Mossenmarkska ljudfonden to promote a calmer and more present lifestyle without constant distraction from the mobile phone.

How is Mobile Free Day celebrated on June 1?

There are no fixed traditions for how the day should be celebrated, but the idea is to try to avoid using the mobile phone during the day.

Some people choose to turn off or leave their mobile phones at home, while others limit their use to absolutely necessary calls and messages. Many workplaces and schools encourage their employees and students to participate by imposing cell phone bans during the day.

The day can also be used to reflect on their mobile use and try to find a better balance between screen time and real-world activities and social interactions. Some choose to spend the day on outdoor activities, spending time with friends and family or other leisure interests that do not involve the mobile phone.
