Gamer keeps his gaming PC running for 5 years straight – Explains there’s no reason to shut it down

Gamers are always discussing whether hardware should be turned off. One gamer says that his PC ran for 5 years straight and nothing bad happened. This is causing a lot of discussion.

There are regular discussions about whether you should leave your PC running at night. Critics argue

  • A computer or gaming PC that is running continuously would consume a lot of electricity and this would also be reflected in the electricity bill.
  • The installed hardware would wear out more in the long term than if the computer were switched off regularly.
  • A user now explained on reddit: He tested it for 5 years and nothing happened. If you are still looking for reasons why you should turn off your PC, take a look at the following article on MeinMMO:

    more on the subject

    5 reasons why you should turn off your computer at night

    by Benedikt Schlotmann

    Two computers: one has been running for 5 years, one is always turned off

    The user explains on Reddit that he has two computers: one that he turns off every evening and the other that has been running continuously for 5 years. There isn’t really a difference between the two systems:

    I have been testing this for the last 5 years as anecdotal evidence. I have one PC that sleeps every night and one that shuts down every night. There is no difference at all except that one costs more.

    But even the additional electricity costs of a sleeping PC compared to a “switched off” PC are negligible. It is about 4 cents per month.

    By the way, any well-made and maintained server will stay online literally forever (yes, with reboots for updates), so, you know, they’re built for it.

    He himself explains that “any impact that it [den PC aktiv zu lassen] on the health of your PC is so overwhelmingly negligible that it doesn’t matter.” There should be neither more wear and tear nor significantly higher costs. At least the 4 cents per month are irrelevant to him.

    RAM only empties when the computer is turned off

    Are there any critics? Yes, there are. One user explains that there are good reasons why you should shut down your PC properly. Because only when you shut it down properly can the RAM be emptied (via

    Things like memory leaks can slowly eat up your usable memory over time, and the only way to free up that memory is to restart Windows. Dead threads can sit there, consuming system resources, while the parent program has “forgotten” about that thread.

    But Windows restarts the computer even in sleep mode when an update is performed, even without the user’s consent. But that can also be quite annoying. This recently happened to a gamer who was woken up by his gaming PC because the system restarted during the night.

    In principle, it is also possible to deactivate this function, but this requires deep intervention in the system registry. Alternatively, you can simply turn off the PC completely.

    Turn off your PC properly: Many users have their PC connected to a power strip. But does it damage the hardware if you turn off the power socket at the end of the day? Can it cause damage if I turn off the power strip on the PC?
