Ciara’s sour cock against Måns Zelmerlöw – the detail in the pictures

Ciaras sour cock against Mans Zelmerlow the detail in

At a wedding in 2016, the artist and entrepreneur met Måns Zelmerlöw the British actor Ciara Johnson. Måns was at the wedding to perform, but it was nothing that seemed to impress Ciara. On the contrary, she was very difficult to flirt with.

– We were at a wedding in England where I played, and she was completely uninterested. We ended up next to each other at dinner, and I had to fight. It was only when we started texting afterwards that she realized that I was quite fun, Måns has told in an interview with P4 Extra.

In 2019, it was time for Ciara and Måns to get married, and the wedding took place in Croatia. Among the guests was, among others, the artist Carolthe comedian Per Andersson and the former tennis player Jonas Björkman.

Since a previous relationship, Ciara had the son Archie, and with Måns she had two more sons – Albertwho was born in 2018, and Ossian which came in 2022. The whole family has lived in a charming house outside London. They also have a summer house in Skåne, where they spend the summers.

Ciara Janson and Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures. What happened between Måns Zelmerlöw and Marie Serneholt?

Before Måns and Ciara became a couple, Måns had several high-profile relationships in Sweden, including with the artist Marie Serneholt. Måns and Marie broke up in 2011, and Marie has subsequently told that Måns dumped her – the day before her birthday.

– Nine years ago I was standing in our shared kitchen and he opened his mouth and said six words that changed everything. Everything I imagined, believed and felt felt like a big fat lie, Marie told in her podcast Lyckojägeren in 2020.

Måns Zelmerlöw and Marie Serneholt. Image source: Stella Pictures.

A few years earlier – more specifically in 2014 – so Måns told in the podcast The recruit that he was a sex addict.

– It’s a thought that has struck me several times as well. I see sex as one thing, and love as something else entirely. So sex doesn’t have to mean anything at all. I’m wondering if open conditions would be optimal. But at the same time, I find it hard to see having a girlfriend who lies around and comes home and tells me, it’s not fun either, he said then.

Ciara Janson has succeeded Måns Zelmerlöw

The relationship between Måns and Ciara has seemed to be very stable, and on social media they have often expressed their love for each other with pictures, posts and cute greetings. But in recent months, they have not been seen in each other’s social media.

Among other things, Ciara has turned one and Mother’s Day has also passed – without Måns noticing it in any way.

When their son recently turned one, they both posted pictures of the son – but didn’t write a word about each other. They also didn’t tag each other.

Nessa Ellie who runs the gossip account Exonphspoilerse was the first to throw out the question on his Instagram: “Anyone who knows what happened between Måns Z and his wife? hihihihihi”.

Shortly afterwards could News24 reveal that Ciara unfollowed Måns Zelmerlöw – but that he still follows her.

Trouble in paradise? Ciara has succeeded Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: InstagramMåns Zelmerlöw still follows Ciara. Image source: Instagram

What exactly has happened between the pair is still shrouded in mystery, but there’s no doubt that Ciara has a lot on her mind.

Since it became clear that she followed her husband on Instagram, she has posted a series of cryptic photos…

The telling details of Ciara Janson’s Instagram photos

The first showed a glass of red wine on a bedside table – and the text “And breath”. Perhaps the observant noticed the book on the table?

The book “Conversations on Love” is written by the journalist Natasha Lunn and is a bestseller in England.

In the book, she seeks answers to questions such as how to find love, how to maintain the relationship – and how do you survive when love is lost? In the book, Lunn interviews several experts about, among other things, loneliness, vulnerability and how to learn to accept change.

Ciara Janson first posted a picture showing a book about love and relationships that she is reading – accompanied by a glass of red wine. And a message: “And breathe”. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlöw

The subsequent image showed a small note that Ciara appeared to have found inside a fortune cookie – which read ‘Happiness is all around you’.

“Look what I found…”, wrote Ciara Janson. She posted several cryptic photos shortly after it became clear that she followed her husband Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlöw

The third image showed a coffee cup with the text “Kind people are my kinda people” – and a handwritten note that read:

“To my kimkins (sic!)
You have this
Let’s do all the things.
Love you”

For the picture, Ciara had tagged her girlfriend Amy – so we guess that it was Amy who wrote the nice note to Ciara.

Ciara posted a picture showing a coffee cup with an important message – and an encouraging note, presumably written by her friend Amy. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlöw

You can read more about what Måns Zelmerlöw posted after it became known that his wife followed him.
