The Swedish national team player was at the gates of death – now celebrate the Danish championship with emotion | Sport

The Swedish national team player was at the gates of

Soccer player Kristoffer Olsson, who suffers from a rare inflammatory condition of the brain, has informed the media that he intends to return to the playing field.

representing the Swedish national football team Kristoffer Olsson28, a sudden illness in February shocked many.

Olsson lost consciousness while at home and was rushed to Aarhus University Hospital. Olsson’s diagnosis was a very rare inflammatory condition of the brain that caused multiple small blood clots on both sides of the brain.

Olsson has now told for Aftonbladetthat he has no memories of the first weeks after the illness, when he came close to death.

– I was not contacted during the first three weeks. When I regained consciousness, I felt terrible.

28-year-old Olsson was transferred to the neuro center in Hammel in mid-March. Olsson does not know when he will be able to leave the hospital and return to his home.

– I’ll be here for a while longer, and then we’ll see what happens. The important thing is that I feel better.

– It is clear that I have gained a perspective on life and football during a time that has been incredibly difficult.

Dreaming of going back

Olsson represents the Danish club FC Midtjylland. The team was leading the series in the middle of the season when Olsson suffered a seizure.

– After I woke up, I thought that maybe I could get out of the hospital and still play at the end of the season. However, the doctors told me about my situation and I understood that my recovery would take time.

Olsson says that he plans to return to play at the professional level.

– I can already run and my memory is good. I am positive and happy, even though sometimes there are worse days, just like everyone else.

In addition to returning to the playing fields, the young father is also looking forward to his normal life, which includes a four-year-old son.

– It is clear that I miss my life and the house where I live.

Celebrate the Danish championship

FC Midtjylland celebrated the Danish championship last Sunday. The team’s supporters chanted Olsson’s name as the Swede watched the decisive match from the stands. The visit to the home arena was also his first since the illness.

– It was incredible to hear the supporters sing my name.

After the match, Olsson got to celebrate the championship together with his team. He was escorted to the field, where a championship trophy and a ride on a golf cart awaited the gambler.

Kristoffer Olsson has won the Allsvenskan championship with AIK, the under-21 European Championship gold with Sweden and played 47 A national matches. In addition, he is now a two-time Danish champion.
