You may have already noticed a strange sticker representing a stylized fish on some cars. Do you know what its meaning is? Here is the explanation.

You may have already noticed a strange sticker representing a

You may have already noticed a strange sticker representing a stylized fish on some cars. Do you know what its meaning is? Here is the explanation.

On bumpers, rear windows or trunk bodies, we sometimes see stickers or stuck objects whose meaning is not always obvious. Provincial crests, football team, baby on board or note of humor, these decorations, when they are not advertising, are often a mark of belonging.

One of the symbols that comes up most often is that of a stylized fish, made up of two intersecting curves. A fairly minimalist design that quickly escaped our notice. But what does it mean? Is it the symbol of fishing enthusiasts? A very popular nautical brand? The logo of a famous diving club? The rallying sign of the members of the famous sect of fishmongers?

In reality, this fish is a religious sign representing the Ichtuhs, a symbol of Christ. This word comes from ancient Greek ikhthys, which means “fish”. The letters which compose it also the initials of the profession of faith Ιêsoûs Khristòs Theoû Uiòs Sôtếrwhich can be translated as “Jesus Christ, son of God, the savior”. The fish is also a recurring symbol in the Christian religion. Indeed, it is synonymous with abundance when Christ brings bread and fish to hungry crowds, as well as in the many stories of miraculous catches. In addition, the fish evokes the water of baptism and therefore corresponds to God’s blessing. This is why he ended up becoming the symbolic figure of Jesus.

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The fish is one of the oldest Christian symbols in the world. Christians represented it everywhere: on epitaphs, mosaics, paintings, rings, glass cups and hooks, seals, etc. But it acquired a particular dimension under the Roman Empire, where it became a sort of secret code for practitioners who, persecuted by the Roman authorities, were forced to live their faith underground. Christians then identified each other by drawing a fish on the ground, on a wall or on a table, for example. If the other person recognized the symbol, they could safely talk about their religion.

This tradition has continued through the centuries. Even today, many people discreetly display their faith with an Ichthus sticker on the trunk of their car. Note that another sticker also representing a fish subsequently saw the light of day, created in opposition to that of the Christians. It represents an amphibian with primitive legs, inside which is inscribed “Darwin”, in reference to Charles Darwin, the creator of the theory of evolution. The squabble between the two visions led to a whole bunch of stickers in the same vein, with, for example, a Darwin fish eating an Ichthus, etc. Now, by looking at the trunks of cars, you will know who you are dealing with!
