Here it will be 30 degrees and sunny – the high summer heat persists

Here it will be 30 degrees and sunny the

It has been hot real high summer heat for several days now with sun and hot weather all over the country. And according to the meteorologist Madeleine Westin there is no indication that Tuesday will be colder, rather the opposite.

– It could be the hottest day of the year so far tomorrow, says TV4’s meteorologist Madeleine Westin TV4 News.


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Photo: Johansen Erik/TTH Here it can be 30 degrees and sunny

During Tuesday, it could be up to 30 degrees in several places, which could be the hottest day of the year so far.

– It is extremely hot air that has been above us for a very long time. It could be the hottest day of the year so far, says Madeleine Westin to TV4 Nyheterna.

It is expected to be around 30 degrees with sunshine around Stockholm, Västerås and Eskilstuna.


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The heat bend carries risks

But the heat wave also brings with it certain risks. With the high temperatures, there is a risk of both grass and forest fires.

– There are warnings out about grass fires in the north and forest fires in the south. It is a worrying weather situation, Madeleine Westin tells TV4 News.
