Attempted murder – person to hospital


  • Attempted murder – person to hospital

    One person has been injured by a sharp object in Västra Nordstaden in Gothenburg.

    The person has been taken to hospital and the condition of the injury is unclear.

    Police are on the scene and a suspected perpetrator has been arrested, but a hunt for more perpetrators is ongoing.


  • Long queues on the E22

    There are currently long queues on the E22 in Norrköping after a truck and a car were involved in an accident, reports P4 Östergötland.

    The extent of the damage is unclear, but three people are said to be affected.

    According to the Swedish Transport Agency, the accident has a major impact on traffic, and the forecast is until 18:15, but may change.

    The emergency services are on site.

    The text is updated.

  • Deadly attack on Rafah was “a mistake”.

    Yesterday Israel bombed the town of Rafah in Gaza.

    About 30 people were killed in the raid and the Red Crescent stated that the attack was aimed at a humanitarian area.

    Now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that the attack was “a mistake”, Israeli media write.

  • Two cars in a head-on collision

    Two cars have collided on road 162 just south of Hällekila outside Lysekil.

    Emergency services are on the scene, according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

    Police are on their way to the scene.

    – According to initial information, all parties involved should be awake and talkative, says August Brandt, press spokesperson for the police in the West region.

    The road is closed.

    The Swedish Transport Administration’s forecast is set for 17:45, but may change.


    Two people are taken to hospital, one by ambulance and one by ambulance helicopter.

    The extent of the injury is unknown.

  • Two women arrested for the bag murder

    Police tape in the forest where the man was found dead in a bag in March. Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL

    Two women have been arrested on suspicion of the murder of a man who was found dead in a bag on Värmdö.

    The women have been arrested in the United States, writes the Prosecutor’s Office.

    – Thanks to effective international police cooperation, B and her sister could now be located and detained. The search for A is still ongoing, says District Attorney Cecilia Tepper.

    Read more here.

  • Japan: North Korea has fired a robot

    Japanese television broadcasts were interrupted on Monday night by warnings that North Korea had fired a robot in the direction of the country, media from Tokyo reported.

    Residents of southern Okinawa Prefecture were urged to seek shelter.

  • Man fell four meters – taken to hospital

    A man has fallen about four meters in connection with his work in Skövde, the police say.

    The man was unconscious for a short time, but then woke up and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    A police report was drawn up about a workplace accident, without suspicion of crime.

    The condition of the man’s injuries is unclear.

  • Joost Klein after the disqualification: “Fuck Eurovision”

    The Dutch artist Joost Klein was washed from the Eurovision Song Contest after being reported to the police for illegal threats against a photographer.

    Now he demands that more interrogations be done in the investigation, writes VG.

    At the same time, he mocks the competition during a concert in Vancouver.

    – Fuck Eurovision!, says Klein from the stage.

  • Confidence in Åkesson is plummeting – after the review

    Voters’ trust in Jimmie Åkesson drops sharply after TV4’s review of SD’s anonymous accounts, according to a survey from Expressen/Veria.

    The SD leader plummets seven percentage points, from 29 to 22 percent. His lowest level in eight years.

    – The clearest loss is among the government’s voters, which can cause concern for Ulf Kristersson, says Per Söderpalm, head of opinion at Verian to Expressen.

  • Missing boy in Karlskoga

    The police are contacted at 13:30 about a boy who has disappeared in central Karlskoga.

    According to the police, Karlskoga is a place where the boy does not have good local knowledge.

    The boy is seven years old and wears a green shirt and black pants. He has a slightly longer hairstyle with dark curls.

    The police urge the public to call 112 if you see the boy. If you have sightings from 1 p.m., you should contact the police on 114 14.

    Update 15:03:

    The boy was found well-preserved “in good health”, according to the police.

  • Plane forced to land at Arlanda – problem with the engine

    A passenger flight en route from Madrid to Helsinki discovered problems while over southern Sweden.

    – They were forced to land at Arlanda after having problems with one engine due to low oil pressure, says Andres Lännholm, rescue leader at JRCC.

    208 people were on board the plane.

    The landing must have gone well and the operation is complete according to the JRCC.

  • Teenager is detained on suspicion of murder

    A teenage boy has been detained on probable cause on suspicion of a murder on Södermalm in central Stockholm, prosecutor Marina Chirakova tells TT.

    The boy is also suspected of serious weapons offences.

    In early May, a man in his 40s was shot to death on Allhelgonagatan. The murder occurred at 6:30 p.m.

    A person has already been detained on suspicion of murder.

  • Media: Egyptian soldier killed by Israel in Gaza

    An Egyptian soldier has been killed in an exchange of fire with Israel on the Gaza Strip’s border with Egypt. This is reported by Israeli media.

    The relationship between neighboring Egypt and Israel is tense, and if the reports are true, the incident could have significant political implications.

    Tensions escalated the other week when Israel took over the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Egypt then said it refuses to coordinate aid convoys via Rafah as long as Israeli soldiers control the border.

  • Technical trouble at Försäkringskassan

    Försäkringskassan is currently unable to show its preliminary payments for sickness benefit due to technical problems.

    – People who log in cannot see upcoming payments, but they have been sent out and the money is on its way. In some cases, there may be a delay of a few days, says Lotta Jernström, press secretary at Försäkringskassan.

    According to the authority, it is an operational disruption.

    – We are now working on solving these problems, says Lotta Jernström.

  • One million salmon will be slaughtered

    Viruses hit a salmon farm in the Faroe Islands hard. Archive image. Photo: Godofredo A. Vásquez/AP/TT

    Faroese fish farming giant Bakkafrost is forced to slaughter a million salmon after the so-called ISA virus was detected at the farming site in Vágur. The discovery means that the entire stock will be slaughtered within two months in accordance with legislation in the Faroe Islands.

    The average weight of the fish is calculated at 2.6 kilos and is usually slaughtered when the salmon has reached a weight of between 4 and 6 kilos.

    The announcement means a reduced production of around 2,000-3,000 tonnes for the company whose share is now falling on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • What address is there a fire in Södermalm? Gone and hope it’s not mine!


    Hello! We don’t have the exact address, but there was a fire near Nytorget in any case. Hope everything went well for you!

  • You should probably double check the stated temperatures in the post about the heat wave in Mexico City.


    Hello Eva! I also thought it appeared like very low record temperatures in Mexico City, when we had 38 degrees in Målilla. But this 34.7 degrees actually seems to be the heat record in Mexico City, writes concurring international media. The fact that it doesn’t get warmer seems to be because the city is located in a valley at a very high altitude.

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

  • Why did 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with sirens and blue lights just pass by in Vasastaden?


    Hello! There has been an accident at the subway at Odenplan.

  • Have you published anything regarding the authority for psychological defense reporting tv4’s cold facts for the report on SD’s alleged troll factory?


    Hi Alex, we have written about this.

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